Tony Luna Creative- Update- 6-30-2021

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Editor’s Note from Tony Luna-

The best part of the honor of being a teacher is to witness the success of your students.

Every month I have the privilege of reposting in this blog the accomplishments of various people with whom I have been blessed to work. Most of our Crafting a Meaningful Career (CMC) alums are mid-career or near-end-career professionals who are looking to create the next meaningful, purposeful step in their career journey and I am humbled at the magnificent work you the members of our creative community have designed for yourselves.

But today I wish to shine a light on an emerging professional photographer who graduated recently from Art Center College of Design, and for whom I have the highest degree of respect. His name is Garrisson Pena and I enjoyed watching him grow as an artist during the two classes he recently took from me. I noticed from the outset that he was going to do well because of his work ethic, his respect for his classmates, and enthusiasm with which he approached each assignment.

Then, last week he notified me that he has gotten his first assignment and the joy in his voice was palpable. He had put me down as a reference and I wholeheartedly endorsed him when I was called by the organization that was considering hiring him. He had just gotten the job and he told me that he will be working as an independent contractor for the Los Angeles Rams. I am so proud of his accomplishments that I am leading off this blog with his artist statement to me, and I hope it inspires you as you read the joy and hope he expresses so eloquently. When you doubt your capabilities, when you figure there’s nothing more to learn, I suggest you read his letter and once again realize how fortunate you are to be creative and able to approach your work with great anticipation and appreciation, just like Garrisson.

Garrisson Pena (C) 2021

- Garrisson Pena, Photographer-

“Photography is my life. I remember picking up a camera at an early age and expressing curiosity that I feel I never looked back on. Now, at 24 years old, I believe it was destiny. A lot of things have happened between then and now, to which I can say that crossing paths with photography was inevitable. We found each other. We saw each other. We understood each other. And from that moment forward, we are forever intertwined. For the rest of my life, light will always watch over me and follow me. Light keeps me company. This is the essence and oxygen that I breathe as a photographer.

I’ve had my share of experiencing the various genres of photography. I started out as a Yearbook Photographer for my high school. The adrenaline of standing on the sidelines for Sports Photography and being an intimate observer in Photojournalism was the spark for what would become my odyssey. In college, I embraced everything from Portraiture to Architecture to Conceptual Photography. After spending a life-changing two weeks in Alaska, I discovered my paradise and passion in Landscape and Nature Photography. Being out in the landscape, surrounded by nature soothes my soul and makes my heart sing. Landscape Photography is my meditation, contemplation, and rejuvenation. From this phase of discovery and process is where my creative mantra emerged that I practice faithfully:

Emotion is my Director, Camera is my Compass, and Light is my Guardian Angel.

The past year of 2020 was one of despair, discord, and turbulence. Through all the chaos, the time spent indoors brought a harmony that became a blessing pause, window of opportunity, a deep reflection. Quarantine has changed my philosophy from looking out to looking in. I stand here today in 2021 feeling reborn with a renewed vision of hope, grater appreciation for the quiet beauty of my home state of California, being alive and a reignited fire to be better tomorrow than I was yesterday and today.“

Garrisson Pena (C) 2021

Garrisson Pena (C) 2021


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Ellen Friedlander, Fine Art Photographer

"Life is but a dream..."

“Last weekend was a surreal experience as I viewed my photograph, 

Shattered, hanging on the walls of New York City's Soho Photo Gallery!”


“This Alternative Processes show was postponed during 2020, and what a gift that it is now LIVE.

Thank you Aline Smithson for curating such a wonderful show. And thank you to my family & friends

who came to see it :)”



Ellen Friedlander (C) 2021                                             Shattered

Ellen Friedlander (C) 2021 Shattered



“The pandemic has taught me that there is no such thing as an ‘old’ photograph. Staying at home allowed myself and others time to contemplated and find gems in our archives.

Thank you APA-LA Off the Clock for curating me into this exhibition for a second year in a row.”

Ellen Friedlander (C) 2021

Ellen Friedlander (C) 2021


- Barbara Kosoff, Art and Design

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- Barbara Kosoff began her career as a graphic designer and art director working in both the US and abroad. Her interest in getting back to making art (sans the computer) led her to create mixed-media and assemblage works on paper. Her dreamlike imagery comes out of her love of collage, serendipity and whimsy. Barbara’s artwork has been exhibited throughout Southern California and her whimsical illustrations have appeared in The Los Angeles Times, Huffington Post and other national publications.

Please visit Barbara’s shop on REDBUBBLE to see more-


- Johnathan Markish, Illustrator and Director of Prisma Estudio-

Editor’s Note: We are proud to announce that Prisma Estudio in Lisbon, Portugal, and operated by CMC alum Johnathan Markish, is up and running again! The pandemic took a toll on the business and, thanks to the generosity of donors, Prisma Studio’s doors are open again. Well done Johnathan and wishing you and the studio continued success.

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“Coming up in the next the collective • • • BARALHA.ME • • • with their magical mystery trans-media project, the exhibition ++ STRATI ++ by Monica Saba and another art therapy session (PT). Read on for the full details and dates.”

Event Information: Mythical and oracular images.

About this event

BARALHA.ME is a collective effort to semiotically reinterpret mythical and oracular images on the intersection of different techniques, mediums, cultures and languages through a trans-media project.

Through the act of magic-shuffling classical structures and images onto a contemporary context, the language of symbols renews between the physical and digital world, building a path that can encompass different media and each artist’s individual subjectivity towards a single project.”

*** Vernissage 02th of July - 5 pm ***

• • • SCHEDULE • • •

02.07. ... 17 - 21h ... Vernissage*

03.07. ... 11 - 13h .... Exhibition*

04.07. ... 11 - 13h .... Exhibition*

05.07. ... 15 - 20h ... Exhibition

• • • ARTIST • • •

Andrés Azzolina (@andres.azzolina) is a multimedia artist currently living in Lisbon. He studied Filmmaking in Mexico City’s UNAM, his thesis project was a 15 minute film exploring the notion of non-linear narrative and the role of cinema in today’s multimedia environment. After that he worked as creative director and was co-founder of ASCO, a social-media-based company in Mexico City, in which he was able to direct and produce a variety of video series between a didactic-informative intention, and an accelerated-meme-infused approach. Currently he is studying his Masters Degree in Multimedia Art in Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, with a project based around the relationship between ghosts and media.

Please book your free spot for the event here.

With these great events ahead we are happy to see you soon in Prisma !

r. da Palma 268, 1100-089 Lisboa


Tel: 968-449-728

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As always we are honored to share stories of the hard work our contributors have accomplished and we are thrilled to promote their activities. Please continue to support the members of our creative community as they design meaning within their careers. Thanks to all for their informative and inspiring contributions.

If you are not on the mailing list and would like to receive your own monthly notices of these Updates please contact Conversely if you would like to be removed from the email list simply email and write "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Keep sending in your informative and motivating emails. I may have to edit them in the interest of space but I will do my best to keep their integrity. Emails and notices are usually posted in the order they are received. Tony Luna Creative-Updates are produced approximately at the end of each month so please provide enough lead time when submitting emails so they can be posted in a timely fashion.

Remember to keep sending us news of your wonderful art, design, and careers, and—as always—stay in touch!



Tony Luna Creative

A Creative Consultancy

819 North Bel Aire Drive

Burbank, CA 91501

Home office: 818-842-5490


Adjunct Professor: Art Center College of Design

Author: "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" Allworth Press and

"Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Photos" Skyhorse/Allworth Press

Providing support, inspiration and networking for mid-career creative professionals


Tony Luna Creative- Update- 5-31-2021

tony Luna (c) 2021

tony Luna (c) 2021

Happy Memorial Day!


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- Jennifer Julian, Partner/Producer, June Bug Pictures

“Mr. Luna! Hope you’re great! Something fun for next creative update. I’ve attached a press release.

In a nutshell, my team and I were awarded the prestigious Big Sky Film Grant to make our feature film, Diamondback, in the fall in Montana. Diamondback is a redemptive, revenge drama about a black, Apache-trained warrior hellbent on avenging her father’s death. Out of 45 submissions, 14 were selected and out of those 14, our project was awarded the most (even over Kevin Costner’s Yellowstone!).

Yee-haw, git yer spurs on, we have a movie to make!

All the best,


Jennifer Julian, Partner/Producer

June Bug Pictures

Burbank, CA

c: +1 (213) 925-5365 USA


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14 Productions to Share $500,000 in Big Sky Film Grants to Film in Montana

MONTANA – Fourteen film productions will share $500,000 through the Big Sky Film Grant from the Montana Film Office to film on-location across the state, the Montana Department of Commerce announced today.

The 14 film projects have a total estimated production cost of almost $126 million and expect that they will spend an estimated $72 million in Montana. A total of 42 projects requested more than $5 million in grant dollars this year, with only $500,000 available through the competitive Big Sky Film Grant for fiscal year 2021.

The productions will film at locations across Montana, from Dupuyer to Missoula to several places in eastern Montana. The Big Sky Film Grant builds and supports partnerships with filmmakers and production companies to create good-paying Montana film industry jobs. The grant program enhances the marketing efforts of Montana’s tourism regions and advocates for the state’s people, history and overall quality of life.

The following projects will receive funding:

Diamondback (Feature film – Jennia Fredrique Aponte, Director; Jennifer Julian, Producer; Holly Payberg, Producer; Rene’ Haynes, Casting Director) will receive $100,000 to film in southwest Montana. Diamondback is an action-packed, redemptive revenge drama, set in the stunning backdrop of 1880's Montana and featuring a fiercely independent, Black, Apache-trained warrior determined to take down the outlaws who killed her father.


- Gail Mooney, Producer, Director…

The perfect gift for a woman. The film, Like A Woman is now available on DVD

A documentary about women who are breaking barriers in male-dominated professions.

Also available for private screenings which includes a Q&A with filmmaker Gail Mooney may be available to attend on site or online to answer questions.

Our goal is to start a conversation about career possibilities for women in the workforce. We want to inspire and motivate women and young girls to pursue the career of their dreams.

Gail Mooney-Producer/Director is a filmmaker living in the greater New York City area. For a view of a trailer for Like A Woman click on this link:

Her previous film, Opening Our Eyes has received numerous awards and is now available for screening.



- Ellen Friedlander, Fine Art Photographer-

“A montage to those of you who visited my show at The Photographer’s Eye Gallery

(sorry for those I missed!)

I wish to express my gratitude to everyone who made the drive from LA to Escondido to see the show in person, which at times became a 3-3.5 hour drive!

On every single level, The Photographer’s Eye Gallery Exhibition was an extraordinary experience.

To those of you who could not share the LIVE experience, the exhibition provided a unique opportunity to create a film about my work. It went live last Monday, and I am so excited to share it with your today!

View on YouTube:




   Facebook: Ellen M Friedlander

        instagram: emfphoto59



- Johnathan Markish, Director of Prisma, Illustrator-

(Editor’s Note: You may remember the appeal sent out in our February blog to help keep the doors open for Prisma artist’s collective in Lisbon, Portugal by Prisma’s Director and Crafting a Meaningful Career alum, Johnathan Markish. Here is a happy update.)

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“A GIANT thanks to People of Lisbon for helping keep Prisma alive and supporting free arts in #Lisbon.

It is with the support of the community and golden folks like Stephen O'Regan, Rita Ansone and Paula Ferreira that we can all continue providing a home for artists to grow, and a place to explore what art can give to society.”

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As always we are honored to share stories of the hard work our contributors have accomplished and we are thrilled to promote their activities. Please continue to support the members of our creative community as they design meaning within their careers. Thanks to all for their informative and inspiring contributions.

If you are not on the mailing list and would like to receive your own monthly notices of these Updates please contact Conversely if you would like to be removed from the email list simply email and write "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Keep sending in your informative and motivating emails. I may have to edit them in the interest of space but I will do my best to keep their integrity. Emails and notices are usually posted in the order they are received. Tony Luna Creative-Updates are produced approximately at the end of each month so please provide enough lead time when submitting emails so they can be posted in a timely fashion.

Remember to keep sending us news of your wonderful art, design, and careers, and—as always—stay in touch!



Tony Luna Creative

A Creative Consultancy

819 North Bel Aire Drive

Burbank, CA 91501

Home office: 818-842-5490


Adjunct Professor: Art Center College of Design

Author: "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" Allworth Press and

"Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Photos" Skyhorse/Allworth Press

Providing support, inspiration and networking for mid-career creative professionals


Tony Luna Creative- Update- 4-30-2021



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- Our next Zoom-SchmoozeFest is set for Thursday, May 13 from 6:30 to 9:30 (Pacific Daylight Time).

Set your clocks and get ready to share your own artwork, or at least, become inspired by the magnificent work of others. And with our Zoom online presence you can be anywhere in the world and join in the fun of our creative networking event.

Here’s the link to an evening of free wonderment sharing with like-minded creatives:

Meeting ID: 461 564 4020

Passcode: 0008856


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- Art Center Extension classes are still open for registration for the summer term. The first day of ACX classes will be Monday, May 17.

To see a list of exciting classes go to

Then to register for a mind-expanding, life enhancing class, click on

- And, if you or someone you know is considering doing a career pivot, I’d be happy to talk to you about our career reinvention class, Crafting a Meaningful Career. I have been teaching this course for over fifteen years and I am always amazed at the incredible new careers our students design for themselves and the successes we have seen.

To be honest, at this time, no one has signed up for the Crafting a Meaningful Career-Part One-Discovering the Dream, our initial class, for the summer term, starting May 18 from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM (PDT). If there is one thing the pandemic has taught us it is that, in the words of George Eliot, “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.”

Now is the time to take a deep dive into the career goals you want to achieve, and how to make that dream a reality. If you would like to talk about whether this class is right for you give me, Tony Luna, a call at 818-842-5490 and I will be happy to talk things over. This could be the choice you need to craft your own meaningful career.




- Shirin Raban, Designer, Cine-Ethnographer, Educator- “The Fifth Question, Why Is this Passover Different?”

“Great news! My film, #TheFifthQuestion is streaming at Amazon Indie Pix. This is a wonderful subscription platform for foreign films.” #womeninfilm #womenfilmmakers #filmmaker #film #indiefilmmaker #indiefilms #independentfilm #documentary #visualart #director #visualstorytelling #Shirin #Ethnography #Passover #Migration #Religion #Judaism #illustrator

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For 2700 years, Jews in Iran have celebrated Passover to commemorate the Exodus of their ancestors from Egypt. Iranian Jews residing in Los Angeles have experienced another exodus in their lifetimes, leaving Iran after the Islamic revolution in 1979. The Fifth Question examines the Persian Passover tradition in the Iranian-American Jewish community in Los Angeles, reflecting on inter-generational continuity through the eyes of three generations.

Parents and grandparents born and raised in Iran and college-age youth born and raised in Los Angeles share memories and experiences through candid interviews and intimate moments preparing symbolic foods and participating in the Seder ritual. This cross-cultural exploration of relationships between generations addresses issues of cultural identity and first generation immigrants.

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- Robert Gallagher, Photographer

“We have a winner!

I am honored and gratified (especially in this year) to have been selected as a winner in the Communication Arts Photography Annual 2021. It’s a huge honor in that it's one of the most respected photo-industry awards around. Special thanks to Harvey Cohen, my subject, for playing along!

For those of us in the photo-world, you’ll know there’s been a trend lately towards very heavily color-gelled portraiture. Now I’d never felt that good about my own color-gel game, but I was curious to see if I could crack that nut. So I set about trying to rectify that, ideally in a not-so overdone, overpowering way, but a slightly more subtle way, which I felt pretty good about. But then to be recognized for the work, in Communication Arts no less, I cannot tell you how satisfying that feels. Never stop playing, even when you don’t feel that confident about what you’re doing.

One final note…. of the 2,328 entries there were a total of 109 winners. So that's a success rate of about 4.6%, it’s effectively easier to get into Harvard or Yale! Oh yeah, and that’s my fourth since 2015, so I’m feeling pretty chuffed right now. Hey, Tom Brady, I get it buddy.”


Robert Gallagher p h o t o g r a p h e r

Los Angeles, CA, USA


- Mark Winston, Photographer, Visual Artist-

Photo by Kayla Winston (C) 2021

Photo by Kayla Winston (C) 2021

“Hello Mr Luna,

I wanted to take a moment and say thank you for opening the doors of like-minded individual’s & Artists. Below You will find a link about what I’ve been up to! 

Thanks Again,”

Marc A. Winston 


(Editor’s note: The following is an excerpt from the article about Mark in ShoutoutLA)- Meet Marc Winston: Photographer & Visual Artist

SLA:“We had the good fortune of connecting with Marc Winston and we’ve shared our conversation below. Hi Marc, the decisions we make often shape our story in profound ways. What was one of the most difficult decisions you’ve had to make?

M.W.: The most difficult decision that I’ve ever had to make is deciding to truly believe in myself. To fully and unapologetically immerse myself in that experience without expectations, without guaranteed outcomes. The process of self discovery is limitless and crucial to our development, we are always learning, growing and evolving. However, on occasion we forget who we are, and what inspires us to create or capture a moment in time. I had to delve inward to rediscover myself, and by focusing inward I was able to remember and see the beauty in life, the light and the dark.

SLA: Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?

M, W.: I’m excited to continue to experience the natural evolution and magic of this artistry. Through the lens I’m constantly reminded that each person is divinely unique and there is a spirituality and magic in our uniqueness that is unwavering. As an artist one of the lessons that I’ve learned along the way is that you cannot separate who you are from your art. When I first started shooting, in many ways it was therapeutic to step outside of myself and focus on the world around me. Over time I began to recognize that the uniqueness of my eye, my perspective, my experiences carry an energy that shapes what is being captured through my lens. This uniqueness is your gift to yourself and the world and cannot be separated from the art, nor should it.

SLA: Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?

M. W.: Due to COVID, my favorite spot in the city is at home with my family.”



Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
 Special thanks goes to my management team, family, friends and creative collaborators.



Image Credits
 Marc Winston | M62Photography



- Adam Mefford, Architect- Currency (Human Capital Network)-

“Mr. Luna, good evening I’m pleased to share this fundraising email with you, to bring to light a bit of the work we’ve been doing to launch a new vision for design training, in particular, our focus is to build bridges between minority communities and gainful employment in the gaming, animation and film studios here in LA. Please see below for more context, and if you could please share this email with selected folks in your circle, we would welcome any connections you may recommend.

my best,”


Talent is equally distributed, but opportunities are not.

-Leila Janah

About Emile Cohl Atelier:

Emil Coho Atelier is a social impact Video Game Design and Animation educational institution.

ECA was founded in 2019 as a nonprofit in collaboration with Ecole Emile Cohl, a prestigious award-winning French institution established in 1984. ECA allocates merit-based scholarships to students admitted to its inclusive and rigorous program. In support of intellectual breadth and to educate tomorrow’s industry leaders, Emile Cohl Atelier provides technical and soft skills training as well as inroads to some of the fastest growing $150B+ creative industries.

As a nonprofit, ECA relies on the generous support of its incredible sponsors. Might you consider becoming one? In order to bridge socio-economic and inclusivity gaps found within the arts, students are allotted the opportunity to engage with prestigious industry mentors and train under world-class instructors. ECA is dedicated to providing these talented voices with a bridge into the industry, breaking the systemic barriers that prevent them from joining the field.

Prestige and inclusion at the intersection of rigor and resilience, Emile Cohl Atelier promotes merit and excellence in hopes of educational equality. Each individual or corporate donation is tax-deductible and comes with an IRS-compliant donation receipt as well as public recognition on our website; thank you for helping us change the lives of the most promising aspiring visual artists and storytellers.

By joining forces, we will reach our $100,000 fundraising goal by 05/15/2021! Please feel free to reach out anytime with questions.


Guillaume Champavere, Executive Director

Make a difference-

Adam Mefford



[human capital network]

213 446.2492  |  |


- Mauren Brodbeck, Swiss multi-sensory artist-


“Dear Friends, Collectors and art lovers,

I am pleased to announce you I will take part in three contemporary art and photography events:

PHOTO GENÈVE FESTIVAL from April 30th until May 2nd, 2021

Online exhibition MACROPLAY

Online conference on my photographic practice DIGITAL EXPLORATIONS, Saturday May 1st 6:30 pm;

30 + 30… IS THE NEW PUNK du 3 au 23 mai 2021

Collective exhibition Gallery Analix Forever. The gallery celebrates its 30 years + 30 days, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANALIX FOREVER!!!

Opening receptions from May 5th until May 8th, 2021;

MONTAGNE MAGIQUE MYSTIQUE du 7 mai au 26 septembre 2021;

Collective exhibition Musée des Beaux-Arts Le Locle

An installation of new artworks entitled ANIMA;

The opening reception will be announced at a later date

See you!”




As always we are honored to share stories of the hard work our contributors have accomplished and we are thrilled to promote their activities. Please continue to support the members of our creative community as they design meaning within their careers. Thanks to all for their informative and inspiring contributions.

If you are not on the mailing list and would like to receive your own monthly notices of these Updates please contact Conversely if you would like to be removed from the email list simply email and write "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Keep sending in your informative and motivating emails. I may have to edit them in the interest of space but I will do my best to keep their integrity. Emails and notices are usually posted in the order they are received. Tony Luna Creative-Updates are produced approximately at the end of each month so please provide enough lead time when submitting emails so they can be posted in a timely fashion.

Remember to keep sending us news of your wonderful art, design, and careers, and—as always—stay in touch!



Tony Luna Creative

A Creative Consultancy

819 North Bel Aire Drive

Burbank, CA 91501

Home office: 818-842-5490


Adjunct Professor: Art Center College of Design

Author: "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" Allworth Press and

"Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Photos" Skyhorse/Allworth Press

Providing support, inspiration and networking for mid-career creative professionals


Tony Luna Creative- Update- 3-31-2021

Happy Spring

Happy Spring Tony Luna (C) 2021

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Summer classes are ready for you to sign-up!

Registration for Art Center Extension classes for the Summer term begin April 5.

Summer classes begin the week of May 17 and end the week of August 16.

Check out the Course Descriptions and find the classes that will enhance your life, and maybe your livelihood. Sharpen your skills, learn new technologies, or take that class you always wanted to take by checking the catalogue of intriguing classes that will expand your world and your creativity at:

Then follow up by contacting Art Center at Night, 626-396-2319 and talk to one of the informative counselors.

The general link to ACX is


Crafting a meaningful career classes at Art Center Extension

Crafting a meaningful career classes at Art Center Extension


One of the career enhancing courses offered through Art Center Extension is Crafting a Meaningful Career-Part One- Discovering the Dream, a Zoom remote learning class, taught by instructor Tony Luna.

We’ve all heard the phrase, “I’m living the dream.” Well now’s you chance to discover what that dream is and how to make it a reality by registering for Crafting a Meaningful Career-Part One. Take a deep dive into what you love, and what you don’t love, about your current (or last) job and design your own career destiny.

Now you may take this class, which begins Tuesday, May 18 at 7:00 PM, online anywhere in the world. Classes are three hours long during which you will be presented with assignments designed to help you create your own career destination. This class is fourteen weeks long ending on Tuesday, August 17. But that is just the beginning as you will become a part of our creative community to provide support for you to live your dream.

Follow-up courses, Parts Two and Three give you an opportunity to create your own Life Plan/Business Plan designed with step by step guidance on how to achieve your life long goals.

For more information on how the Crafting a Meaningful Career course has helped others you may contact Tony Luna directly at




Ezekiel Wheeler, 1st. Car Culture Curator and his lovely family at the first Auto Conduct in over a year, and kick-off for Auto Conduct Arcade.

Ezekiel Wheeler, 1st. Car Culture Curator and his lovely family at the first Auto Conduct in over a year, and kick-off for Auto Conduct Arcade.

- Ezekiel Wheeler, 1st. Car Culture Curator-

What can we say beyond thank you? COVID knocked us down but it sure didn’t knock us out. Thanks to all of you we were able to host our first Auto Conduct in over a year. And just to kick things off we did it at our new facility in Downtown Los Angeles, AUTO CONDUCT ARCADE.

Saturday, March 20th we announced the beginning of our new venture with the founders of The Container Yard in DTLA - Auto Conduct Arcade. We will convert a 1 Acre lot at the corner of 8th St. and Santa Fe Ave. Our 35,000 sq. ft. facility into a content production studio, automotive exhibition hall, a car storage facility, and food and retail hall. Let the build out commence! Follow us on @autoconduct on instagram for all our news and updates and follow my personal account @ac_ezekiel to get day by day updates.

It wouldn’t be an Auto Conduct show without hosting a themed feature car showcase to give you something to look at while you hang out with us on an early Saturday morning. We called our good friends at Grayscale Roasters to serve up some coffee as you enjoyed some of the coolest vans in Southern California.

The best part about this entire endeavor is that we teamed up with the founders of The Container Yard. Finding the right partnership that realized the wide range of car culture communities needed to have a dedicated public centralized space to connect with other like-minded and passionate owners, enthusiast dreamers, and future generation was paramount. We’re proud to start this vision together with them and Auto Conduct Arcade will be a place open to the public; no more private memberships. Simply a great space to come and meet your friends and maybe make a few new ones.

We had everything from imported Japanese Kei vans to vintage American customs and even VIP treatment Mercedes Metris vans and if you were up for it an adventure van from Texino. To top things off we had perhaps the first US sighting and showing of the Kia Carnival production car.


So we would like to thank everybody that attended for keeping us in your thoughts during this past crazy year of 2020 and making sure that we felt the love coming back to our first show with many more to come. We can’t wait to meet you and share a space together.

Follow us on Instagram:


- Mandi Batalo, Art Department Chair/Professor at San Bernardino Valley College, and a student in the Crafting Meaningful Career classes is inviting all to attend two Artist Talks in April. “Based on the premise creativity helps us to heal, the two speakers will talk about their creative processes.”

Tamiko Nimura will speak about her writing path and co-written graphic novel: We Hereby Refuse: Japanese American Resistance to Wartime Incarceration (Chin Music Press/Wing Luke Museum, 2021). Tamiko Nimura is an Asian American writer living in Tacoma, Washington. She has written profiles, reviews, and interviews with BIPOC artists for Seattle’s International Examiner, Discover Nikkei, Crosscut, and KNKX. Her first book, Rosa Franklin: A Life in Health Care, Public Service, and Social Justice was published in 2020. 

When:  April 1, 2021, at 1:00 pm (PST) 


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Edward Gunawan will talk about the emerging medium of Digital Stories. An interdisciplinary artist and multimedia storyteller, Gunawan has created and collaborated on over 50 creative projects for the screen, stage, and page. He will share his latest digital stories and talk about the integrated practice of different art forms and disciplines in telling the stories of our lives.

When: April 8 at 2:00 pm (PST)


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Mandi Batalo, Ed.D.  |  Department Chair/Professor

Art Department, San Bernardino Valley College

Office: 909-384-8937


- Ellen Friedlander, Fine Art Photographer-

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“This March, I am honored to have my first ever solo exhibition!

Hosted by Veritas Editions, ‘Street Extended’ is the largest showing of my Extended Frame photographs to date.”

The exhibition will run from March 3 - April 6

Mediating between the real and the imagined, Friedlander’s “Street Extended” series invites viewers to explore a non-linear visual diary of the places and experiences that have been imprinted on her psyche.

To see Ellen’s evocative work click on,

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“Art can bring joy to the soul. Veritas Editions strives to bring more of that joy into peoples’ lives, enriching and inspiring their own creativity. Our hope is that the creativity of the artist we represent will form a virtuous cycle with all who touch it and with all who it touches.”

Stay connected with Veritas Editions. Click here to subscribe:

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As always we are honored to share stories of the hard work our contributors have accomplished and we are thrilled to promote their activities. Please continue to support the members of our creative community as they design meaning within their careers. Thanks to all for their informative and inspiring contributions.

If you are not on the mailing list and would like to receive your own monthly notices of these Updates please contact Conversely if you would like to be removed from the email list simply email and write "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Keep sending in your informative and motivating emails. I may have to edit them in the interest of space but I will do my best to keep their integrity. Emails and notices are usually posted in the order they are received. Tony Luna Creative-Updates are produced approximately at the end of each month so please provide enough lead time when submitting emails so they can be posted in a timely fashion.

Remember to keep sending us news of your wonderful art, design, and careers, and—as always—stay in touch!



Tony Luna Creative

A Creative Consultancy

819 North Bel Aire Drive

Burbank, CA 91501

Home office: 818-842-5490


Adjunct Professor: Art Center College of Design

Author: "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" Allworth Press and

"Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Photos" Skyhorse/Allworth Press

Providing support, inspiration and networking for mid-career creative professionals


Tony Luna Creative- Update- 2-28-2021

Pacific Ocean at Malibu Beach, tony Luna (c) 2021

Pacific Ocean at Malibu Beach, tony Luna (c) 2021



Editor’s Note- URGENT REQUEST! Please help to keep the doors open for this remarkable institution and donate whatever you can…

Artist Johnathan Markish as reached out to us to save the art and education association he has been directing in Lisbon, Portugal.

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“Hi Tony…I am currently in Lisbon, Portugal, where I headed from Los Angeles a couple of months after finishing our course in Pasadena, and, well, even though it was not quite by design at all, rather an unpremeditated falling into place, I opened an art and education association here, which is kinda what the timeline we made in your course suggested!

We’ve hosted events, ran exhibitions, collaborated with the European Commission, ran workshops and arts and crafts markets and residency programs so much work has been done, and even during Covid lock down times it just doesn’t stop, and I gotta tell you Tony that probably this phase of my life is in some way indebted to you and the CMC course and the time I spent in LA. So first off let me share any heartfelt gratitude.

So why does a professionally aspiring organization such as ourselves have a free hosted website you may ask? Well... the story is long and intertwining but one of the reasons is that we are strapped for cash, and here comes the ask, we are also running a GoFundMe campaign to help us get through the next couple of months since the state and its regulations forced us to close our doors to the public. …I would, of course, appreciate any help or advice you could offer us with making (our appeal) more public.

Here’s the GoFundMe link:

So to conclude I would love to hear your feedback about my little project, ‘Casa da Semente’ AKA ‘Seedhouse’ AKA PRISMA, I would immensely appreciate if you could help us reach an audience with our fundraiser through your creative network

Thanks for your time, and hope to hear back from you soon!

Best regards, 

Much health upon you and your house,”

Jonathan. Markish. President.

Or via this Casa Da Semente/Seedhouse.Art website:

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- Ellen Friedlander, Fine Art Photographer- “Hi Tony, …Thank you so very very much for your ongoing support and creative positivity

There are a lot of really exciting opportunities happening over the next 3 months.

Love to encourage everyone to follow their dreams. It’s just a lot of work, persistence and never ever letting go of the dream.”


It’s the YEAR OF THE OX!

(My daughter Alexi’s year)

Traits of an Ox: Diligence, patience, humility.

This is a year of harvest & good luck

The New Year brings exciting news as my EXTENDED FRAME PHOTOGRAPHS (TM) are being showcased in several exhibitions in February and March (WOW!).

However, before we indulge in art, I want to extend a lot of love to those who have passed and to all of us who miss them greatly. It is sad, there is no way around it.

The FRAGMENTED FRAME, An Online Group Exhibition, February 12 - March 12

With works by Mario Rossi, Sven Pfrommer, Xan Padron, and Ellen Friedlander

Comparing the societal imagery between the pre-Covid world and our current reality.

(Note click on “More info” for the Statement and Press Release.)

Facebook: Ellen M Friedlander

instagram: emfphoto59



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- Gail Mooney, Director, Producer- “So happy that my new film Like A Woman was selected by the SLO Film Festival!”

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…And further:

“Excited that Like A Woman will be in the Port Townsend Women & Film Film Festival - Dates April 23rd - May 2nd. A perfect festival for this film.”

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This new film in now available for private screenings which include a virtual Q&A with filmmaker Gail Mooney.

It will uplift your spirits and bring needed hope at a dark time in history.

Would you like to set up a screening?




As always we are honored to share stories of the hard work our contributors have accomplished and we are thrilled to promote their activities. Please continue to support the members of our creative community as they design meaning within their careers. Thanks to all for their informative and inspiring contributions.

If you are not on the mailing list and would like to receive your own monthly notices of these Updates please contact Conversely if you would like to be removed from the email list simply email and write "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Keep sending in your informative and motivating emails. I may have to edit them in the interest of space but I will do my best to keep their integrity. Emails and notices are usually posted in the order they are received. Tony Luna Creative-Updates are produced approximately at the end of each month so please provide enough lead time when submitting emails so they can be posted in a timely fashion.

Remember to keep sending us news of your wonderful art, design, and careers, and—as always—stay in touch!



Tony Luna Creative

A Creative Consultancy

819 North Bel Aire Drive

Burbank, CA 91501

Home office: 818-842-5490


Adjunct Professor: Art Center College of Design

Contributing Consultant to "Bokeh Magazine, The Art and Life of Photography," an online magazine for the iPads and iPhones.

Author: "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" Allworth Press and

"Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Photos" Skyhorse/Allworth Press

Providing support, inspiration and networking for mid-career creative professionals


Tony Luna Creative- Update 1-31-2021

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Collective Consciousness.jpg

- Cristina Benedetti, Choreographer, Educator- “Hi Tony!!! How are you doing??? HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Hope you and the family are doing well, in great health and with a lot of ideas for this 2021.We are doing good over here. Just keep trying to stay creative in this uncertain time. I have been focusing on learning more about directing, storytelling and new skills, like Video Editing and After Effects. 

I released my first short film this past month. It is about women in the street dance community and it highlights unity within diversity. I am really proud of this project and wanted to share it with you. 

Below all the info:


Synopsis: A powerful celebration of women in the street dance world. It highlights unity within diversity. It showcases the beauty of different backgrounds, ethnicities and stories that connect through one passion and love for dance and each other. It honors the legacy of dance pioneer Marjory 'Lotus' Smarth, today no longer with us physically.

A screen shot from “Creative Consciousness” a film by Cristina Benedetti

A screen shot from “Creative Consciousness” a film by Cristina Benedetti

Using the divine language of passion and artistry, Marjory showed us that we are united through a universal vibration. Invisible yet present and strong, this thread connects us all to something greater – a power… a purpose… a hope… Never knowing when inspiration strikes or where it can take you, the impact of a simple moment or gesture can inspire a generation. Only in time can one truly understand the fine connection in between moments.  Though she was the seed of the experience, what continues to thrive is the Collective Consciousness.”

Link for Christina’s first short film- 

A link to the InstaGram page )

Also I am looking for any extra opportunity to add experience in the skills I mentioned above. I was wondering if you by any chance (or any of your contacts) knows of any internship or entry level as video editing/storytelling or any freelance gig... I would really appreciate any help to help me grow in my career and find new work opportunities as well…”

Thank you!!! We miss you!!”

Cristina Benedetti

Creative Director - Choreographer - Educator


IG/FB: @cribeneofficial



- Gail Mooney, director, producer proudly announces, “So happy the my new film Like A Woman was selected by the SLO Film Festival!”

A new documentary film by Gail Mooney about women who are breaking barriers and working in male-dominated professions.


Women have taken the brunt of Covid’s effect and have left the workforce in record numbers.

This new film in now available for private screenings which include a virtual Q&A with filmmaker Gail Mooney.

It will uplift your spirits and bring needed hope at a dark time in history.

Would you like to set up a screening?



Judaline Cassidy, Plumber

“Besides enjoying the film and getting to know all the women who were interviewed,

I genuinely felt like I learned something from watching it. I learned about so many

industries and careers I’d never heard of before. And so much of it made me think

(or maybe rethink) about how i present myself in my life and career. Like when so

many of the interviewees mentioned that being technically knowledgeable was

important to breaking into their industry… I think there was a lot of advice that can

affect how I’ll carry and comport myself professionally in the future, which I really


I felt the film was empowering, visually stunning (loved the footage in the mountains

out west), and left me with hope for future generations of women embarking out

on their careers.”

- Francesca Pazniokas


“Typeface” by Barbara Kosoff

“Typeface” by Barbara Kosoff

- Barbara Kosoff, Design and Illustration- “Hi Tony, I just opened this shop where I have some new merchandise featuring my art and illustration. I hope you’ll have a look.

Thank you and all the best:)”


Barbaras work can be found on REDBUBBLE-

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As always we are honored to share stories of the hard work our contributors have accomplished and we are thrilled to promote their activities. Please continue to support the members of our creative community as they design meaning within their careers. Thanks to all for their informative and inspiring contributions.

If you are not on the mailing list and would like to receive your own monthly notices of these Updates please contact Conversely if you would like to be removed from the email list simply email and write "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Keep sending in your informative and motivating emails. I may have to edit them in the interest of space but I will do my best to keep their integrity. Emails and notices are usually posted in the order they are received. Tony Luna Creative-Updates are produced approximately at the end of each month so please provide enough lead time when submitting emails so they can be posted in a timely fashion.

Remember to keep sending us news of your wonderful art, design, and careers, and—as always—stay in touch!



Tony Luna Creative

A Creative Consultancy

819 North Bel Aire Drive

Burbank, CA 91501

Home office: 818-842-5490


Adjunct Professor: Art Center College of Design

Author: "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" Allworth Press and

"Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Photos" Skyhorse/Allworth Press

Providing support, inspiration and networking for mid-career creative professionals


Tony Luna Creative- Update- 12-31-2020



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Our next ZOOM SCHMOOZEFEST! is Thursday, January 14, from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM (Pacific Time).

Join our Zoom Meeting by clicking on:

Meeting ID: 461 564 4020

Passcode: 0008856

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,4615644020# US (San Jose)

+12532158782,,4615644020# US (Tacoma)

Below is a screen shot of the happy attendees during our Zoom SchmoozeFest last September as they shared their creative endeavors. Look at those smiling faces! You too can join in the fun on Thursday, January 14. The beauty of the Zoom versions of our SchmoozeFests! is that you can participate from anywhere in the world and connect virtually with the members of our creative community as we present our latest work, practice pitches, and network to our hearts content. Start getting your work together for another invigorating evening of creativity, storytelling, and fun!




- Registration for the Art Center Extension - Spring Term - is ongoing!

Classes begin January 16, 2021. Sharpen your skills, learn new technologies, or take that class you always wanted to take by checking the catalogue of intriguing classes that can expand your world and your creativity at:

Then to register for a mind-expanding class go to



- CRAFTING A MEANINGFUL CAREER- Part One- “Discovering the Dream”, Art Center Extension online classes will begin Tuesday, January 19, from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM and run for fourteen consecutive weeks.

If you are considering making a change in your career path toward leading a more purposeful life then this is the class for you. During the classes you will take a close look at your motivations and goals, and how to create a plan to design your own future objectives, not something dictated by someone else. Once you have completed Part One you may follow it up with Parts Two and Three where you build a step by step business plan on how to achieve your aspirations.

If there is one thing we have learned from the imposition of the pandemic it is that we are more adaptable than we ever knew possible, and now is the time to make that change you always felt you were capable of.

You may read Success Stories from people who have taken the classes by clicking on



- Aurora Haan, Illustrator- “Dear Tony, This is Aurora Haan, an illustrator and graduate of Art Center College of Design, who took your class back in 2013. I hope you remember me; I was this Asian student you had introduced to Mr. MacGowan during your job interview practice.

It had been quite of a journey since my graduation back in 2014. I'm currently working on a comic book project where I've taken the research to the next level by visiting Australia, Washington D.C., and Seattle, WA, and talking to many experts. It's still in the making, but I definitely am seeing progress. 

Thanks for your guidance during your class back then; it definitely became a foundation of my approach to this project. I just wanted to update you and take this opportunity to thank you.

Thank you so much again.

I also wanted to update you on the works I've been doing so far, including illustrations, other than the project I've mentioned.

Here's the Instagram link where I'm posting my art and writings for 17 days straight:

And here's my website where you can see all the artwork:

Merry Christmas and a happy new year, and I hope that you have a nice rest of your holiday season and hope your 2021 will be filled with joy and happiness!

Very respectfully,”

Aurora Haan.



- Mark Sarkisian, “Tony, I wanted to update you on my year. It has been a crazy and trying year but also rewarding thanks in part to your help and guidance. I was accepted to the USC Marshall School of Business for graduate school this past semester.

I’m receiving a Masters of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences I ever been a part of. Also, being 58 years old I have had to adapt to new technologies, but it’s gone smoothly. My classes range from design thinking to venture initiation. I’ve followed my passion of golf to create with two other classmates a golf course project that combines the social nature of music, food and adult beverages.

It’s called Divot Golf and we made numerous class presentations to venture capitalists, entrepreneurs and other professors. So far it was well received and has potential. We are in the feasibility stage, which is creating financial proformas, a preliminary design plan and lots of customer discovery. Next semester we will take our plan and test the viability of how scalable it can be in a class setting.

Thank you again for your mentorship and encouragement.

Best wishes,

Mark Sarkisian


- Sang Lee, Transportation Designer- “Hi Tony, hope you're doing well. This is Sang, the transportation guy who struggled to find a job after graduation due to the pandemic situation.

It took me 5 months, going through multiple interviews that mostly did not result in employment. It was really frustrating. I even started to doubt my knowledge in transportation design.

Companies seem to be interested in senior designers, work force that can immediately produce quality design. So in the meantime, I kept on working mini-projects, updating my Instagram, Behance, and Linkedin. One project gave me a huge expose that almost every car media website published my work. 

Finally, I managed to get 2 offers in the same time. One was from GM, Michigan as a digital modeler, and the other from Volkswagen design center California as an automotive exterior designer. As you may have guessed, I am now at the 2 months mark with VW team. I moved into a new place, got myself a new TV, computer.

During the interview, I constantly mentioned one thing that made my portfolio and skillset different from others. The eagerness to challenge multiple areas even non-car transportations (my portfolio also showed that too.) I feel very lucky and also want to believe it isn't all luck but dedication and timing.

Your lecture really helped out training my interview skills. Therefore, feel free to reach out to me if you need somebody to share his experience.

Thank you,

best regards,”



Copyright (C) 2020 Brian Biery Photography, All rights reserved.

Copyright (C) 2020 Brian Biery Photography, All rights reserved.

- Biran Biery, Photographer- “Dear Family and Friends, To begin this message I want to deeply thank all those who responded so enthusiastically to the last BBP Newsletter with orders for calendars, books and greeting cards!  It was extremely heartwarming to receive that outpouring of support for my work!

In addition, for those who have not yet placed a holiday order, there are still limited supplies of all of the items on my product list: 2021 National/State Parks Calendars, greeting cards of gorgeous scenes from the western U.S., and 'Power of One' books that inspire and educate.  So please respond to this message if you would like to order any of these beautiful pieces of art.

It is my hope that even in these times of pandemic and turmoil, you are still able to venture into the great outdoors, breathe fresh air and wander down a deserted path, whenever possible.

With sincere gratitude and best wishes for you in 2021!


Copyright (C) 2020 Brian Biery Photography, All rights reserved.

Copyright (C) 2020 Brian Biery Photography, All rights reserved.


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- Maureen Brodbeck, Switzerland based Photographer/Artist- “Dear friends, artists, collectors, and art lovers,

I wish you all a Happy Holiday Season.

I would like to briefly talk about some of my projects that are close to my heart:

My new collaboration with SAM Sustainable Art Market,, a company created in 2018 by Sabine Colombier, who is betting on creating an innovative link between the art market and the protection of the environment. SAM is an ambitious and pioneering project acting in the art world with sustainable practices and more respect for our environment. Through SAM, some of my photographs are now available on ARTSY 5% of sales will be donated to the association Terrasse Sans Frontières. This association based in Geneva, which I have chosen, has for mission to promote the greening of roofs and, among other things, to promote biodiversity and reduce fine particles. I invite you to discover this wonderful association here.

• Also, I am pleased to announce the launch of the third season of my podcast Raw and Radical Women in the Arts,, with the first episode recorded at my studio with an outstanding Turkish video artist, Ali Kazma, during his exhibition “Women at Work“ at Barbara Polla’s Analix Forever gallery Listen to the episode here. I also remind you that you must subscribe here to receive the newsletters regarding this project as the latest news are on a specific mailing list.

Two recent interviews are available. The first took place through my participation at the Photo Kyiv International Photography Fair >> listen here The second is a short video by Swiss Art Interviews created by Gladys Pinedo in Geneva >>watch here

Finally, I have just learned that one of my current projects, “Interplay, Enmeshment, and Matter” is Shortlisted for the Chromaluxe X Lucie Foundation Fine Art Scholarship .

I wish you all fantastic holidays, and I look forward to seeing you again here or elsewhere in 2021 for a year that I hope will bring us pleasant surprises

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Laura and Jerry Ritchey

Laura and Jerry Ritchey

- Laura Elliott, Author, Ghost Writer-


I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’m holding my first Personal Story Masterclass. And it’s being organized for the 50 Over 50 Project. This group of women have been photographed by awesome photographer Julie Ulstrup and they’re writing their stories to go with the portraits for a beautiful cocktail table book. It’s a fun, fabulous project and I’m so honored to be facilitating these stories.

Click here,, to hear Julie’s TEDx Talk about being seen. “How to Transform the Way You See Yourself.” What a great gift we can give ourselves!

If you want to check out the class and participate with these incredible women, you can register here, It’s not being advertised anywhere, so you’ll be one of the first to join me for 4, 45-minute sessions to create your own personal story. Who would enjoy this experience?

- Anyone interested in handing down their legacy story for their family

- Seasoned professionals and pivoters hoping to open up new pathways

- Anyone interested in writing a memoir about their life

- People ready for the second chapter of their career. Or a third. Fourth? Eighth?

Book a 1-on-1 Consultation with Laura,

Below, you'll find the Zoom info needed to join me as well as the schedule.

Four Sessions, all at 4pm MST/3PM PST

January 14th

January 21st

January 28th

February 4th

Replays will be available after the sessions.

Here's the Zoom information:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 864 7914 2928

Passcode: 595650



Mine is GROWTH. Send me your word, I’d love to know;)

I like to create artwork around my word every year. I’ll share it next month! I’d love to see what you do with your word too!

Hope you have a safe, healthy, and HAPPY 2021! Will write more in the new year:)

Happy writing! Your Go-to Ghost, Laura (please forgive my shameless use of exclamation marks).



As always we are honored to share stories of the hard work our contributors have accomplished and we are thrilled to promote their activities. Please continue to support the members of our creative community as they design meaning within their careers. Thanks to all for their informative and inspiring contributions.

If you are not on the mailing list and would like to receive your own monthly notices of these Updates please contact Conversely if you would like to be removed from the email list simply email and write "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Keep sending in your informative and motivating emails. I may have to edit them in the interest of space but I will do my best to keep their integrity. Emails and notices are usually posted in the order they are received. Tony Luna Creative-Updates are produced approximately at the end of each month so please provide enough lead time when submitting emails so they can be posted in a timely fashion.

Remember to keep sending us news of your wonderful art, design, and careers, and—as always—stay in touch!



Tony Luna Creative

A Creative Consultancy

819 North Bel Aire Drive

Burbank, CA 91501

Home office: 818-842-5490


Adjunct Professor: Art Center College of Design

Contributing Consultant to "Bokeh Magazine, The Art and Life of Photography," an online magazine for the iPads and iPhones.

Author: "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" Allworth Press and

"Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Photos" Skyhorse/Allworth Press

Providing support, inspiration and networking for mid-career creative professionals


Tony Luna Creative- Update- 11-30-2020

Wishing you and yours a very Happy, and Safe Holiday Season to all of the members of our Creative Community!

Wishing you and yours a very Happy, and Safe Holiday Season to all of the members of our Creative Community!



- Gail Mooney, Director, Producer-

WATCH THE VIDEO - What people are saying about LIKE A WOMAN

Young girls and women are empowered ! Spread the message of hope and possibilities with a screening of the new documentary, LIKE A WOMAN, which is now available for private and/or virtual screenings. LIKE A WOMAN tells the stories of eleven remarkable women who are breaking barriers in male-dominated professions. It will inspire and motivate your viewers that anything’s possible.

Some women appearing in the film:

Taylor Laverty, Good Year blimp pilot

Judaline Cassidy, Plumber and founder of Tools & Tiaras

Simona De Silvestro, Race car Driver

Natalie Jones, Heavy-lift helicopter pilot

Barbara Van Cleve, Fine Art Photographer/Rancher

Olivia Sebesky, Video Designer for Live Entertainment

From an audience member:

“What a beautiful, inspirational and empowering film that touches on so many professions and strong stories! This film’s positive message to women was incredible. I loved how each woman in the film tells her unique story. All women should see this film, especially during their younger years, when they are defining who they are and their interests. Thank you Gail for being an inspiration to all women. Bringing this kind of a message to young women is so important and I applaud your dedication and hard work in making this incredible film.”

Would you like to set up a virtual screening?

Director Gail Mooney is available to do limited Q&A’s.



- Editor’s note: This special online event, “Lost Angeles,” features the art of legendary Fine Art Photographer, Paul Jasmin, followed by a conversation with Paul Jasmin, plus Art Center College of Design, Photography + Imaging department Chair, Dennis Keeley, and Fahey/Klein Gallery owner David Fahey.


Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,

We cordially invite you to join us for a special online event with legendary photographer and ArtCenter teacher of 25+ years, Paul “Jazz” Jasmin. The evening will begin with the video premiere of a gallery walk through where Jasmin will show us his new exhibition Paul Jasmin: Lost Angeles, currently on view at Fahey/Klein Gallery. He will be joined in conversation with myself and gallery owner David Fahey.

Following will be a live Zoom gathering for attendees to say hello and celebrate with the artist. 

Lost Angeles: A Conversation with Paul Jasmin

Friday, December 4th, 4:00 pm PST 

This event is free and open to all. 

To receive the Zoom link, please RSVP at:

Best, Dennis Keeley


- Ellen Friedlander, Fine Art Photographer-


“Dear Friends, Family and the rest of my Artistic Community,

On November 5th, I made my debut Zoom appearance (gasp!) as invited FORUM speaker presenting on the following topic:

Habit, Creativity, and the Now:

Breaking Through Personal Doubt to Find My Voice

Thank you so much to everyone who shared this moment live - it was truly special.

To those of you who have reached out to the recorded version, here it is!”

XO Ellen



Elizabeth Taylor by Shaina Joel, Pasadena Chalk Festival '18Copyright (C) November 2020 Brian Biery Photography, All rights reserved

Elizabeth Taylor by Shaina Joel, Pasadena Chalk Festival '18

Copyright (C) November 2020 Brian Biery Photography, All rights reserved

“Dear Friends and Family, 2020 has been an extremely difficult year fo all of us! From a global pandemic to out-of-control wildfires to political unrest this year has felt, at times, endless. How might art and the creative world help us to navigate these extraordinary challenges? Most specifically, how does photography help us to make sense of a shifting landscape?

One of the most powerful aspects of the camera’s lens is it’s ability to tell a story. Due to the pandemic there was no OPEN STUDIOS event this year, unfortunately. And, for me, there will be no holiday art show. Nevertheless, I will be creating a 2021 National/State Parks calendar, so please let me know if you would like to order one. They are $15.00 plus shipping.

In addition, by ordering on-line you can also purchase greeting/post cards, magnets, Power of One books and framed photographs for the special people on your gift list.

Thank you for your wonderful support over the years…”

Brian Biery


Our mailing address is:

Devil's Golf Course, Death Valley, National Park, CACopyright (C) November 2020 Brian Biery Photography, All rights reserved

Devil's Golf Course, Death Valley, National Park, CA

Copyright (C) November 2020 Brian Biery Photography, All rights reserved


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- Andrea McCarthy, AcademicKeys- Academic career opportunities in Art and Photography.

“Dear Professor Luna, This month's issue of AcademicKeys' e-Flier for Fine Arts features 22 faculty openings, 6 senior administrative positions, and 0 post-doc opportunities and links to hundreds more positions in higher education.


Issue: Fine Arts Nov. 1st, 2020


Become a fan of Academic Keys on Facebook! Click here:

Follow us on Twitter!!/academickeys


ACADEMIC POSITIONS _____________________________________________________________________

NEW! - Lecturer - Media Studies - College of Letters & Sci.

University of California Berkeley

Berkeley, CA, United States

Date Posted: Oct. 22, 2020


Lecturer Pool- Film and Media- UC Berkeley

University of California Berkeley

Berkeley, CA, United States

Date Posted: Sep. 17, 2020


UCSD Visual Arts Lecturer

University of California, San Diego

Visual Arts

La Jolla, CA, United States

Date Posted: Jul. 23, 2020


Part-Time Instructor Pool UX/UI Design UC Berkeley Exte...

University of California Berkeley

Berkeley, CA, United States

Date Posted: Jul. 7, 2020


Part-Time Instructor Pool Graphic Design UC Berkeley Ext...

University of California Berkeley

Berkeley, CA, United States

Date Posted: Jul. 7, 2020


To view more academic jobs, visit:



Andrea McCarthy

Academic Keys, LLC

1066 Storrs Road, Suite D

Storrs, CT 06268


### *************************************************************************

As always we are honored to share stories of the hard work our contributors have accomplished and we are thrilled to promote their activities. Please continue to support the members of our creative community as they design meaning within their careers. Thanks to all for their informative and inspiring contributions.

If you are not on the mailing list and would like to receive your own monthly notices of these Updates please contact Conversely if you would like to be removed from the email list simply email and write "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Keep sending in your informative and motivating emails. I may have to edit them in the interest of space but I will do my best to keep their integrity. Emails and notices are usually posted in the order they are received. Tony Luna Creative-Updates are produced approximately at the end of each month so please provide enough lead time when submitting emails so they can be posted in a timely fashion.

Remember to keep sending us news of your wonderful art, design, and careers, and—as always—stay in touch!



Tony Luna Creative

A Creative Consultancy

819 North Bel Aire Drive

Burbank, CA 91501

Home office: 818-842-5490


Adjunct Professor: Art Center College of Design

Author: "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" Allworth Press and

"Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Photos" Skyhorse/Allworth Press

Providing support, inspiration and networking for mid-career creative professionals


Tony Luna Creative- Update- 10-31-2020

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Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!


- Ellen Friedlander, Fine Art Photographer-

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Join me on November 5th at 5:30pm PST as I share my work while narrating what it means for me to access and act on creativity. In conversation with Douglas Hill. I will explore how I broke-through my old patterns of seeing in order to generate my photographic point-of-view.

This event will be hosted virtually on Zoom. A link to the event will be emailed to you after you RSVP.


Sponsored and produced by PasadenaPhotographyArts and EMERGE


City of Pasadena

Made possible in part by the Pasadena Arts & Culture Commission

and the City of Pasadena Cultural Affairs Division


- Ezekiel Wheeler, (Automotive Culture Consultant) Founder / CEO of Auto Conduct- “Hey Tony, I’m taking the leap! I’m launching my automotive media website after months of organizing, refining, planning, curating and now...executing! 

I’ve attached the editor’s letter as a ringing of the bell, so to speak, about why Auto Conduct became what it is today. 

I’ve also attached a photo of my contributing staff who will help start the wave of change in the automotive media industry.”


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Welcome to the all-new AUTO CONDUCTa platform celebrating the auto-industry the way it was meant to be: for everybody.  

As the global pandemic continues to grip us all, and rising cultural tensions ignite social change, we decided it was time to rethink our values as a brand and figure out how we could be at the forefront of making a difference in the industry on a much larger scale.  

Which is why we’ve turned AUTO CONDUCT into a full-fledged media outlet and are excited to share this new motorized community with you! 

We’re still bringing you the latest in cars, and finding amazing people with brilliant rides and engaging stories like you’ve never seen before... but now we’re amplifying the diverse voices that make up the heartbeat of car culture. 

So we sought out visionaries and storytellers who continue to strive for an outlet to straight up represent. Then we gathered them here to share their vast knowledge and clear passion for the industry. 

Our team is built from the ground up, to better reflect those longing to be seen — women, people of color and the LGBTQ community to name a few. We offer a place where careers can begin and not just settle in. 

AUTO CONDUCT will be the global source of car culture in real time.

Here’s a picture from one of our production days.

Here’s a picture from one of our production days.

Thank you,

Ezekiel Wheeler

Mobile: 626-710-7389 Email: IG: @ac_ezekiel


- Robyn Young, Strategic Branding- “Thank you to all of you for your love and support throughout this journey. Cheers to four years!”



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“Hey Tony, …Thanks so much for the continued support on my journey. Who could've imagined sitting in your class that day all those years ago, dreaming of my career and life becoming something more that I would've ended up here.”

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Robyn Young

Owner & Head of Strategy

Brand like a BOSS



- Robert Gallagher, Photographer-

“As a photographer I love my work most when I'm simply floating around my subject and documenting. So the small-footprint, scrappy, editorial-style shoots that Covid demands is a perfect fit for what I do best. Working solo and with a mobile grooming and wardrobe, this socially-distant, Covid-compliant profile of Jay Shetty was for The Observer Magazine in London.

Copyright © 2020 Robert Gallagher, All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2020 Robert Gallagher, All rights reserved.

To see more go to


- Mandi Batalo- Department Chair/Professor, Art Department, San Bernardino, California

Rick Caughman and Mandi Batalo host an Online Art Studio through Zoom at San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC) every Wednesday at 11:00 am (PST)

The SBVC Art Department Online Art Studio was established as a virtual space for professional artists, photographers, designers, and writers to meet with students and share common ideas and artistic endeavors.

The Online Art Studio has no hierarchy and serves as a meeting place where everyone is invited to share their work and receive positive feedback from the group. This digital atelier welcomes all who wish to be enriched by art, prose, and fellowship.

The Zoom meeting ID is: 531 061 102.

Mandi Batalo, Ed.D., Department Chair/Professor

Art Department

San Bernardino Valley College


Rick Caughman teaches drawing, painting, and art history. He has had a long-time career as an exhibiting artist and illustrator. Rick teaches two classes at San Bernardino Valley College and co-hosts the workshop with me. It is because of Rick that …

Rick Caughman teaches drawing, painting, and art history. He has had a long-time career as an exhibiting artist and illustrator. Rick teaches two classes at San Bernardino Valley College and co-hosts the workshop with me. It is because of Rick that Tony Sheets and Benjamin Vincent joined the group and enjoy coming and working with the students. Rick is an Art Center alum.

Abraham Atandare is an art student at SBVC. He is originally from Nigeria, loves photography and would like to become a commercial professional photography. He sets up his own photo shoots in his bedroom.

Abraham Atandare is an art student at SBVC. He is originally from Nigeria, loves photography and would like to become a commercial professional photography. He sets up his own photo shoots in his bedroom.

Luisa Notarangelo is a student at SBVC and will be transferring to a four-year college in graphic design next year. The image is one of her beginning drawings in Adobe Illustrator. She has secured an online internship for herself through a Federal A…

Luisa Notarangelo is a student at SBVC and will be transferring to a four-year college in graphic design next year. The image is one of her beginning drawings in Adobe Illustrator. She has secured an online internship for herself through a Federal Agency and is not afraid to put herself out there.

Benjamin Vincent is a professional illustrator and works in Texas. He often sits and draws on his tablet when we hold the workshop. The illustrations I am sending you are one-day challenges Benjamin is doing because of COVID. Benjamin is an Art Cent…

Benjamin Vincent is a professional illustrator and works in Texas. He often sits and draws on his tablet when we hold the workshop. The illustrations I am sending you are one-day challenges Benjamin is doing because of COVID. Benjamin is an Art Center alum. Rick and Benjamin met while students at the Art Center.

Tony Sheets is a painter and sculptor. His work is well known, and his father was Millard Sheets. He and Rick have worked on joint projects in the past. Tony spends time between Oregon and the Mendocino coast.

Tony Sheets is a painter and sculptor. His work is well known, and his father was Millard Sheets. He and Rick have worked on joint projects in the past. Tony spends time between Oregon and the Mendocino coast.



As always we are honored to share stories of the hard work our contributors have accomplished and we are thrilled to promote their activities. Please continue to support the members of our creative community as they design meaning within their careers. Thanks to all for their informative and inspiring contributions.

If you are not on the mailing list and would like to receive your own monthly notices of these Updates please contact Conversely if you would like to be removed from the email list simply email and write "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Keep sending in your informative and motivating emails. I may have to edit them in the interest of space but I will do my best to keep their integrity. Emails and notices are usually posted in the order they are received. Tony Luna Creative-Updates are produced approximately at the end of each month so please provide enough lead time when submitting emails so they can be posted in a timely fashion.

Remember to keep sending us news of your wonderful art, design, and careers, and—as always—stay in touch!



Tony Luna Creative

A Creative Consultancy

819 North Bel Aire Drive

Burbank, CA 91501

Home office: 818-842-5490


Adjunct Professor: Art Center College of Design

Author: "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" Allworth Press and

"Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Photos" Skyhorse/Allworth Press

Providing support, inspiration and networking for mid-career creative professionals


Tony Luna Creative-Update- 9-30-2020

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- Tony Di Zinno, Photographer, Director of Cinematography-

[Editor’s note: Thanks to those who responded to the notice of the premier showing of “The Bees of the Gand Staircase-Escalante.”] According to Cinematographer Tony di Zinno, “We had nearly 800 folks show up! The link remains active for people to see until Oct 4th!”

“If you didn't make it to the Virtual Movie Premiere for the mighty small doc 9/24, you can watch the film here until October 4th! Learn about the Bees, great video for all ages!
Amazing cinematography by my former student and fellow ACCD instructor Tony Di Zinno!”


About “The Bees of the Grand Staircase-Escalante”
At a time when we need to learn everything we can about bees to protect them, the lands where they are most abundant are suddenly being threatened. “The Bees of Grand Staircase-Escalante” is a research and documentary film project that follows two of the nation’s most prominent bee researchers as they return to their backcountry stomping grounds in southern Utah. Twenty years ago they showed us what an incredible hot spot for bee diversity this place is; now, they follow up on that work as the protections for these lands are being stripped away.


- Our September Zoom SchmoozeFest!

We had a small yet enthusiastic turn out of about ten attendees for our September Zoom SchmoozeFest!, and they were all great. We had presentations that ranged from architectural photography, to reinterpretation of Meso-American mythological characters in East Los Angeles graffiti, to images of organic remnants captured on a flat bed scanner, to information on a start-up in the electronic game business, to spiritual healing and Ayurvedics, to the problems photojournalists face during these challenging times, just to name a few. Our next Zoom SchmoozeFest! will be Thursday, January 14 from 6:30 PM to around 9:30 PM. Hope you can make it.


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- Angel Mendoza, Senior Graphic Artist/Fine Artist-

“Rogue Angel grew up in Highland Park, a Latino community in Los Angeles. There, on the Aztec mural painted walls of my neighborhood, I first understood an Indigenous past unmatched by anything I would ever find in my schools’ history books.

Now, I create art through a Meso-American Graffiti lens that gives life to objects by decorating them with the combined rich symbols of the ancient and modern Americas.

The making of art has occupied a special position among human activities in the modern era. Some might rank the making of art as the highest of all callings, many probably think of it as ‘mere commerce’, but I view the act as a vital link to our past.”

Mictlantecuhtli – Lord of the Underworld Lord Mictlantecuhtli is depicted here emerging from the Earth deity Tlaltecuhtli, holding a human heart.  A wall of skulls is present as an element of the underworld of Mictlan.

Mictlantecuhtli – Lord of the Underworld
Lord Mictlantecuhtli is depicted here emerging from the Earth deity Tlaltecuhtli, holding a human heart. A wall of skulls is present as an element of the underworld of Mictlan.

Mictlantecuhtli – In serpent form In what has become a separate line of functional gallery pieces, Lord Mictlantecuhtli has taken on a serpent form to adorn the bottom deck of an 8-foot surfboard.  The top deck is decorated by a design representativ…

Mictlantecuhtli – In serpent form
In what has become a separate line of functional gallery pieces, Lord Mictlantecuhtli has taken on a serpent form to adorn the bottom deck of an 8-foot surfboard. The top deck is decorated by a design representative of serpent scales.


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- Dana Rogers, Photographer, Fine Artist- What is Healing Crystal and Gemstone Fine Art?

The paintings main purpose is to transform your space into a healing space by setting an Intention with the Healing Crystals and Gemstones used in each painting.
Healing Crystal and Gemstone Art can help connect your conscious thoughts with your body and your space through your intentions.

Behaving intentionally is the key to living the life you dream. Intention is one of the most powerful forces in nature. Gemstones and crystals have long been known to have healing properties, and are the bridge that connect intentional thought to your daily life.  

The art allows you to connect your conscious thoughts with your body every time you view those paintings. The high quality gemstones and crystals that are an inherent part of the art allow you to bring their healing powers into your space as you focus on the specific intention for transformation. Keeping in mind the properties of the gemstones and crystals used in each painting, the artist consciously focuses on the healing properties as the work is created. 

Each creation is saged using a mantra that was chosen by the artist, and can be used by the owner or replaced for a more specific intention. The Crystals and Gemstones used by the artist in the painting will be provided, along with their meanings, healing properties and practices to achieve a specific intention.

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Dana Rogers is a Chicago local artist. Born and raised in Chicago’s North Shore.
At age 9 she was accepted into a scholarship program at the Art Institute of Chicago. She has been creating all forms of art for as long as she can remember.
She graduated from one of the most prestigious art schools in the US: Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA. 
Dana’s love for all things gems and crystals also started at a young age when she would make bracelets using specific stones for people she felt needed a little something in their lives. She practices with them in her daily life and her idea sprouted when her husband started having a hard time sleeping and decided she was going to make a piece of art to put over their bed using crystals that help lucid dreaming and deep sleep. The idea sprouted from there.
She shares a studio and gallery with her husband Spencer who is also a painter, in Chicago's Roscoe Village area.  

Dana Rogers Fine Art
Edenhurst Gallery 2415 W. Barry St. Chicago IL 60618 US

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- Gail Mooney, Director, Producer-

Press Release: September 8, 2020
Award-Winning Filmmaker Completes Grassroots Screenings under the Stars Tour across America
July 25-August 31 2020

On August 31, Filmmaker Gail Mooney completed a crowd-funded, cross-country tour aptly named Grassroots Screenings under the Stars, bringing her inspirational new film Like a Woman to backyards throughout America. Meant to inspire, empower and inform women and girls about possibilities in the workforce. Mooney’s five year project tells the story of a few of the incredible women who work in male-dominated professions.

The idea of screening the film in smaller socially-distanced groups across the country was born during the quarantine in early 2020 as a way to spread the message that women can do anything they put their mind to. “Strong women find ways to overcome to overcome obstacles and what better way to illustrate that point than to not let a pandemic stop me from releasing this film” said the film’s creator. Many film festivals that are the traditional route that films go before being “released” publicly, were being cancelled or postponed. “I want to get the positive message of this film out at a time we all needed inspiration, so I took it on the road in a grassroots kind of way” she added. Gail traveled in a self-contained small camper/van, screening her film on beaches and backyards in a socially distanced way, under the stars, all across the country in 37 days.

Like a Woman is meant to inspire and empower women and girls about possibilities in the workforce. The Grassroots Screening Under the Stars tour has exceeded all expectations and the film has received positive reviews from screenings all over America. “The reviews were so good to hear, but the best compliments were from the younger women who said how much the film had inspired them to look beyond any of the conventional limits.” added Mooney.

The film is now available for screenings for educational venues, non-profit, conference and events. If you are interested in screening this inspirational film for your group, contact the director Gail Mooney at or at 210-317-9048


As always we are honored to share stories of the hard work our contributors have accomplished and we are thrilled to promote their activities. Please continue to support the members of our creative community as they design meaning within their careers. Thanks to all for their informative and inspiring contributions.

If you are not on the mailing list and would like to receive your own monthly notices of these Updates please contact Conversely if you would like to be removed from the email list simply email and write "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Keep sending in your informative and motivating emails. I may have to edit them in the interest of space but I will do my best to keep their integrity. Emails and notices are usually posted in the order they are received. Tony Luna Creative-Updates are produced approximately at the end of each month so please provide enough lead time when submitting emails so they can be posted in a timely fashion.

Remember to keep sending us news of your wonderful art, design, and careers, and—as always—stay in touch!



Tony Luna Creative
A Creative Consultancy
819 North Bel Aire Drive
Burbank, CA 91501
Home office: 818-842-5490

Adjunct Professor: Art Center College of Design
Author: "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" Allworth Press and
"Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Photos" Skyhorse/Allworth Press

Providing support, inspiration and networking for mid-career creative professionals

Tony Luna Creative- Update- 8-31-2020

Amy Gaskin (c) 2020

Amy Gaskin (c) 2020


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- Our September Zoom SchmoozeFest! is fast approaching.
Join in the fun on Thursday, September 10 from 6:30 to 9:30 (Pacific Daylight Time). Thanks to the Zoom format, as a participant, you can share stories of the fantastic things you are creating from anywhere in the world. We would especially love to see and hear you talk about the things you have been doing while dealing with the pandemic, or what we would like to call it, “Creativity in the Time of Covid-19.”

Tony Luna is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Zoom SchmoozeFest!
Time: Sep 10, 2020 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 461 564 4020
Passcode: 0008856

Find your local number:


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- Registration is ongoing for the mind-expanding Art Center Extension fall term classes. You can sign up for as many classes as you can handle right up to the beginning of the term.
Check out the extensive class offerings at:
Then to register for any of the life-enhancing classes go to



- “Crafting a Meaningful Career- Part One- Discovering” is a unique Art Center Extension class looking for a few good people who are eager to make a meaningful career change.
In this class you will take a deep dive into what will help you design your next most purposeful career move. This unique class has the potential to change your life in a positive way and guide you toward a more productive career.
During these uncertain times what better way to take advantage of this opportunity to design your next, purpose driven, career move?
Click on and scroll down to Success Stories to see how this class, and the follow-up classes, have inspired past attendees to craft their own meaningful careers…


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Amy Gaskin (c) 2020

Amy Gaskin (c) 2020

- Amy Gaskin, Documentary Photographer-

Announcing the Winners of the 2020 APA Awards
Editor’s note: Congratulations go out to Amy Gaskin on her being awarded First Place in the Documentary division of the 2020 American Photographic Artists—APA Awards.

"Hi Tony!...I'm finding COVID times surreal.  Most freelancers in Press Photographers Assoc. are out of work.  Staffs are shrinking and some papers have closed as ad revenues have dried up due to the pandemic.  In Jan, I became it has been a heck of a ride just trying to stay on the horse!  Some of those with work have been badly beaten during the unrest, severely injured by rubber bullets, you name it.  News vans have been vandalized, necessitating chopper coverage at times.  And some have contracted the virus.”



NOW is the time to take action and present a fresh, new business “took”!

A new business portrait is a perfect way to make your prospects and clients stop an take notice. Some business people use the same portrait year after year. That approach is the main reason people breeze right by your image without even noticing you!

Do you know that prospective clients make their decision to call you or pass you by in the first few seconds they see you business portrait?

I’m going to create business portraits for you that will make your prospects stop their search and reach out to you!
PR - Social Media - Website - Annual Reports - Advertising - Headshots - Branding Portraits: I’m going to create the images you need to establish your lead position in your community!
I am going to make you look amazing! I GUARANTEE IT!
George W. DeLoach - Master Business Portrait Photographer

Your portraits will be created in a safe environment! I’ll be wearing a mask and our entire facility has been cleaned for your comfort and safety.
Allow me to create your AMAZING NEW business image!
Too busy to call - Got on-line and reserve you session!


Michael e. Stern (c) 2020

Michael e. Stern (c) 2020

- Michael e. Stern, Photographer, Media Provider- “This summer I came back to a long-dormant project, ‘Remnants.’ I last worked on this series in 2010 after my first self-published book of the work: Remnants.

After the book came out I moved on to other shiny objects in my career and stowed the remaining remnants away. I had no interest in devoting time to furthering the work. As 2020 crashed into the world I found myself catching up on long put off projects, those stowaways were finally going to get their turn on my scanner!
All of the images in this series share one characteristic, they were captured on a flatbed scanner, these images are magnificent in their detail, selective focus and magnification.”

Michael e. Stern             
Think like an artist. Shoot like a director. Edit like a storyteller.
 Media Provider – Progress Stills – Time-Lapse – Live-Action Video



- Mauren Brodbeck, Swiss multi-sensory artist-

Dear friends and collectors,
I have the great pleasure to invite you to the openings of my next solo show at Krisal Galerie in Carouge, Geneva, Switzerland

September 3rd and 4th from 6pm to 9pm
September 5th from 12am to 5pm

September 3rd to October 7th, 2020

This work brings together a collection of multi-sensory pieces combining photography, video and sound, which delves deeper into parallel states of change and stasis, exploring the contrast between being creatures of nature while moving away from it, and our tendency to pay homage to the beauty of nature while destroying it. More than ever since the appearance of the Covid-19 virus, it is evident that humans and nature are closely linked, despite the way our decisions and actions deny this fact.

Photography offers the possibility of making visible what was previously invisible. In this series of images, I seek to uncover the hidden qualities of the photographs I work with. Where do the tensions of the imagination take us - what happens in the image?

To create the images, I print large format black and white or color photographs and scrape the surface with razor blades, removing pigments and leaving ink dust, cuts and holes in the paper, removing several distinct elements. The act of erasing is a repetitive and violent gesture that represents man's impact on nature, and is an aesthetic statement as well as a social statement. I then photograph the damaged images with a medium format camera, and use traditional and digital tools to add enhancements and colors and rearrange the image - creating a final piece from the deconstruction of the old one.

To comply with sanitary rules, opening receptions are over 3 days.
See you there!


Krisal Galerie
Christine Ventouras
25 rue du Pont-Neuf,
Geneva, Switzerland

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As always we are honored to share stories of the hard work our contributors have accomplished and we are thrilled to promote their activities. Please continue to support the members of our creative community as they design meaning within their careers. Thanks to all for their informative and inspiring contributions.

If you are not on the mailing list and would like to receive your own monthly notices of these Updates please contact Conversely if you would like to be removed from the email list simply email and write "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Keep sending in your informative and motivating emails. I may have to edit them in the interest of space but I will do my best to keep their integrity. Emails and notices are usually posted in the order they are received. Tony Luna Creative-Updates are produced approximately at the end of each month so please provide enough lead time when submitting emails so they can be posted in a timely fashion.

Remember to keep sending us news of your wonderful art, design, and careers, and—as always—stay in touch!



Tony Luna Creative
A Creative Consultancy
819 North Bel Aire Drive
Burbank, CA 91501
Home office: 818-842-5490

Adjunct Professor: Art Center College of Design
Contributing Consultant to "Bokeh Magazine, The Art and Life of Photography," an online magazine for the iPads and iPhones.
Author: "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" Allworth Press and
"Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Photos" Skyhorse/Allworth Press

Providing support, inspiration and networking for mid-career creative professionals


Tony Luna Creative- Update- 7-31-2020


Robert Gallagher (c) 2020



- Mark your calendars:
Our next Zoom SchmoozeFest! will be September 10, 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM.

Our last Zoom SchmoozeFest! (our very first online event) was a wonderful opportunity for our talented friends to come together virtually and share their creative projects. Keeping in mind that it is more than a month away you can start putting together the concepts/projects you would like to present to our potentially world-wide audience. So get on that topic you have been wanting to manifest and share it with other talented, like-minded, creatives during our upcoming September Zoom SchmoozeFest!

A link to the login to the next Zoom SchmoozeFest! will be provided in the August 31 st. edition of this blog.

- Art Center Extension’s registration for the Fall Term begins August 17.

The Fall Term begins September 14.
Registration for the Fall Term will soon be open. Sharpen your skills, learn new technologies, or take that class you always wanted to take by checking the catalogue of intriguing classes that can expand your world and your creativity at:
Then to register for any of the life-enhancing classes go to

- Our Crafting a Meaningful Career-Part One-Discovering the Dream” online class will begin through Art Center Extension on Tuesday, September 15 and run for fourteen weeks. This class, now in it’s fourteenth year, has helped hundreds of mid-career professionals discover and create new meaningful career paths for themselves. Life is too short for us to live “in quiet desperation.” Now’s the time to participate in this class that can put you on a trajectory to a more purposeful career. For more information you may contact the instructor, Tony Luna at This could be the move you have been waiting for!


Robert Gallagher (c) 2020

Robert Gallagher (c) 2020

- Robert Gallagher, Photographer-
Strange Days; Life Under Covid-19

A photographic project documenting the strangely poetic visual language of life under quarantine.

As a Photographer I naturally respond to things by photographing them. This project started when, just a few days after the California Public Health Emergency was announced and a lock down imposed, I saw a man walking around my neighborhood in Santa Monica hugging trees. I knew something unusual was happening. People acting outside of their normal selves as a way to cope. Sometimes strange. Sometimes comedic. But often visual. 

It almost appeared to me like that man was hanging onto the tree for dear-life, as if the last man on the deck of the Titanic. The visual metaphor resonated with me as a way to illustrate how we’re processing our lives right now.

So I’ve spent some time most days since then, just walking or cycling around my neighborhood with a Fuji X100 camera, observing and absorbing. Street photography with a very specific, yet unknown, objective in mind. The people of Santa Monica, birthplace of skate culture and the original Muscle Beach, are used to a social, healthy, outdoor lifestyle. So how would they react?

As we learn to cope with a whole new normal, I'm seeking out the visual cues that speak so much of our emotions within this changing human experience. It’s an ongoing project and for as long as I see people expressing themselves in a ‘Covid-specific’ way, I’ll keep working on it. A portrait of adaptability of who we were as a society under Covid-19.

These are strange days indeed.

Robert Gallagher (c) 2020

Robert Gallagher (c) 2020

Robert Gallagher (c) 2020

Robert Gallagher (c) 2020

Robert Gallagher
p h o t o g r a p h e r
Los Angeles, CA, USA


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- Shirin Raban, Brand Designer | Cine-Ethnographer | Educator - “Dear Friends and Family: I am very proud that Jewish Life Television will broadcast and live stream my latest film, “Between The Shells” this Saturday August 1st, 8 pm ET/PT.

The film is about the gifted #Persian #Jewish artisan, Mr. Jalil Harooni, who uses sea shells to depict historic events throughout time. This extraordinary film “…is a reflection of the life journey of an Iranian Jew who grew up during World War II, lived through the Islamic Revolution in Iran, and migrated to the United States after the Iran-Iraq war.

Watch the film online at:
Watch the film on Television: Spectrum - Time Warner: Channel 469; DIRECTV: Channel 325-1

Watch Trailer:
Film Website:

Shirin Raban
Visual Anthropology MVA | Graphic Design BA
Brand Designer | Cine-Ethnographer | Educator
Lecturer at California State University Northridge
Instructor at UCLA Extension


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- Julie Smith, Photographer, Set Designer, and now, author- “Hi Tony, I hope this email finds you and your family happy and in good health. Strange absurd times indeed. I often read your emails and wonder, "when will I find/make the time to participate?” Today will be that day...

I recently read a post by a person asking if it is okay to be joyful right now?  Feeling a bit guilty that life was going well for her during all of the insanity. In our current environment it's too easy to get sucked into a vortex of fear, anxiety, anger, sadness etc. It's crucial to remember to smile! To be joyful when you can. Maintain your well being so that you are able to fight another day.

Taking a break from my usual work (set decorating and photography), I have implemented your advice on the importance of play. I am happy to announce the self-publication of “Fat Ugly Yippie Dog In Sweater” a book of drawings of dogs wearing sweaters (available on amazon). I hope it brings a smile to those who view it!  Maybe it can lighten the load at least for a minute. Please feel free to share.  
Also if you have any tips on marketing picture books of dogs wearing a sweater I’m at attention ;)

Thank you Tony!!
Julie Smith

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(Editor’s note: In order to conserve space only the opportunities in the Arts in California are represented here. For opportunities in the United States and across the world click on

- Andrea McCarthy, AcademicKeys- “Dear Professor Luna, This month's issue of AcademicKeys' e-Flier for Fine Arts features 19 faculty openings, 6 senior administrative positions, and 0 post-doc opportunities and links to hundreds more positions in higher education.’

Issue: Fine Arts Jul. 24th, 2020

This AcademicKeys e-Flier contains higher education positions in: Art - Photography
Become a fan of Academic Keys on Facebook! Click here:
Follow us on Twitter!!/academickeys
Join us on LinkedIn!



NEW! - Dean - Div. of Arts & Humanities, Coll. of Letters...
University of California Berkeley
Berkeley, CA, United States
Date Posted: Jul. 2, 2020


NEW! - UCSD Visual Arts Lecturer
University of California, San Diego
Visual Arts
La Jolla, CA, United States
Date Posted: Jul. 23, 2020


NEW! - Lecturer - Sound Design - Theater, Dance, and Perf...
University of California Berkeley
Berkeley, CA, United States
Date Posted: Jul. 21, 2020

NEW! - Music Technology and Music Perception - 2020-2021
University of California Berkeley
Berkeley, CA, United States
Date Posted: Jul. 7, 2020

To view more academic jobs, visit:
Andrea McCarthy
Academic Keys, LLC
1066 Storrs Road, Suite D
Storrs, CT 06268

As always we are honored to share stories of the hard work our contributors have accomplished and we are thrilled to promote their activities. Please continue to support the members of our creative community as they design meaning within their careers. Thanks to all for their informative and inspiring contributions.

If you are not on the mailing list and would like to receive your own monthly notices of these Updates please contact Conversely if you would like to be removed from the email list simply email and write "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Keep sending in your informative and motivating emails. I may have to edit them in the interest of space but I will do my best to keep their integrity. Emails and notices are usually posted in the order they are received. Tony Luna Creative-Updates are produced approximately at the end of each month so please provide enough lead time when submitting emails so they can be posted in a timely fashion.

Remember to keep sending us news of your wonderful art, design, and careers, and—as always—stay in touch!


Tony Luna Creative
A Creative Consultancy
819 North Bel Aire Drive
Burbank, CA 91501
Home office: 818-842-5490

Adjunct Professor: Art Center College of Design
Author: "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" Allworth Press and
"Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Photos" Skyhorse/Allworth Press

Providing support, inspiration and networking for mid-career creative professionals

Tony Luna Creative- Update- 6-30-2020

Installation of A Mark alberhasky image in Atlanta, Georgia for

Installation of A Mark alberhasky image in Atlanta, Georgia for




- Gail Mooney, Director/Producer- “I’m launching a Kickstarter campaign this Monday, June 22nd through July 23rd. I’m seeking your help in getting the word out so these screenings can happen. If you blog, pod cast or host a radio show, please assist me in doing that.” Filmmaker Gail Mooney will bring her inspirational new film “Like A Woman” to small towns in America for screenings under the stars. Gail has been working on her Film over the last few years. It’s about women who work in male-dominated professions, and she is one.

From a Press Release June 22, 2020:
Award-Winning Filmmaker Travels across America doing Grassroots Screenings under the Stars (socially distanced)
Filmmaker Gail Mooney will bring her inspirational new film “Like a Woman” to small towns in America for screenings under the stars.

Gail has been working on her Film over the last few years. It’s about women who work in male-dominated professionals, and she is one. This winter she had been basically sequestered in her editing suite completing the movie for upcoming film festivals …when the Pandemic hit and the world hit a pause button, indefinitely. With festival being canceled or postponed Gail was afraid the film would get old. It was meant to inspire women and girls about possibilities in the workforce. So, she decided to take the film on the road and do grassroots screenings under the stars—with a twist—in a socially distanced way.

Gail said, “People want to get out, but they want to do it safely. We all need a break and this film will be a night of inspiration. Gail travels self-contained in a small camper van with her film, digital projector, screen and a small sound system for small gatherings (25 people or less).”

Gail goes on to say, “I think of them s revival screenings, reviving the spirit of America and bringing back a little hope. I think everyone need hope. I think everyone needs to get out, but in a responsible way. I want to get the film’s message out, and that it’s time for gender equality in the workforce. I want to start the conversation and create a buzz across the country.

The screenings will take place in late July and August and are fee to women and girls. Men and boys pay .25 cents (that’s because men make about .25 cents more on the dollar than women do for the same job).



Contact: Gail Mooney, Director-
Website: Like A Woman
Twitter: @mooneykelly
Email for film:

Gail Mooney
Mobile: 201-317-9048


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- Robyn Young, Strategic Branding- “Hey Tony, I'm missing human interaction so much, I've decided to turn a new leaf and start sending weekly curated love notes your way...

Alright, fine. They’re newsletters. But, they will be short, witty and always filled with the most relevant info on branding and marketing for the modern age.
It is not my intention to spam you, ever. If you’re interested inhering from me again, feel free to unsubscribe below. Let’s kick things off with a new video on Why Values-Based Marketing is More Important Than Ever.

Schedule a free discovery call to learn more about how clarity in your brand values can boost marketing relevance, custom connection and retention.

Tell Me More:


Robyn Young
Owner & Head of Strategy

Brand like a BOSS
Let’s Connect: Instagram l Facebook l Twitter l Printerest


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- Mark Alberhasky, Photographer- “Hi Tony. Hope this finds you safe and well, things we don’t take for granted anymore! I’ve often wondered as I read your newsletters if I’ll grace the page; today I think I will.

ArtPopStreetGallery ( is a non-profit for supporting the arts which came to Atlanta for the first time. They hold a juried competition and select artists whose work is then featured on billboards in the community for a year! I am among the inaugural 30 artists chosen for the Atlanta 2020-2021 season! It’s an unusual submission because the image has to be radically cropped to fit the wide narrow aspect ratio of a billboard. You are featured on both static (traditional) and digital boards. The work is just starting to go up in ATL. I went out looking the other night and I have to admit it’s a rush to see your image in the wild, up and big! I’ll be shooting all over Atlanta during the year, both capturing my image in various locations and have volunteered to shoot the billboards of other artists as well as images of them with their board.

Here are couple of first encounters…

Having crazy fun with this!”


Mark Alberhasky Photography
535 Redding View Ct NW
Atlanta, GA 30328



- Maureen Brodbeck, Photographer/Artist-
(scroll down for english)
Chers Amis,
Je suis ravie de vous informer que swissphotographers montre mon travail avec une exposition en ligne que vous pouvez voir sur le lien suivant:

J'ai aussi mon nouveau site internet en ligne. Vous pouvez y jeter un oeil en cliquant ici:
Magnifique journée et bel été!
Bien à vous,

Dear Friends,
I am happy to let you know that swissphotographers is showing my work for an online exhibition that you can see on the following link:
I also inform you that I have a new website. If you want to have a look, click here:
Have a beautiful day and a great summer!
Warm regards,



PasadenaPhotographyArts-July 2020.jpg

- PasadenaPhotographyArts
We have an opportunity to expand our Pasadena/East LA Community during these unusual times due to ZOOM’s reach, so we are adding a +ONE to our OPEN SHOW.
4 artists from California + ONE Artist (from beyond our CA borders)

Deadline for Submission is Sunday July 12, 2020
Click on Submit Work // Upload a Project Under // “Choose a City” select “Pasadena-East LA”
We hope Open Show will strengthen our photography community and bring together the public and artistic community in discussion of photography
This event will be hosted virtually on ZOOM, Thursday August 6, 2020; 7:00 PST



As always we are honored to share stories of the hard work our contributors have accomplished and we are thrilled to promote their activities. Please continue to support the members of our creative community as they design meaning within their careers. Thanks to all for their informative and inspiring contributions.

If you are not on the mailing list and would like to receive your own monthly notices of these Updates please contact Conversely if you would like to be removed from the email list simply email and write "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Keep sending in your informative and motivating emails. I may have to edit them in the interest of space but I will do my best to keep their integrity. Emails and notices are usually posted in the order they are received. Tony Luna Creative-Updates are produced approximately at the end of each month so please provide enough lead time when submitting emails so they can be posted in a timely fashion.

Remember to keep sending us news of your wonderful art, design, and careers, and—as always—stay in touch!



Tony Luna Creative
A Creative Consultancy
819 North Bel Aire Drive
Burbank, CA 91501
Home office: 818-842-5490

Adjunct Professor: Art Center College of Design
Contributing Consultant to "Bokeh Magazine, The Art and Life of Photography," an online magazine for the iPads and iPhones.
Author: "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" Allworth Press and
"Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Photos" Skyhorse/Allworth Press

Providing support, inspiration and networking for mid-career creative professionals


Tony Luna Creative- Update- 5-31-2020



- Thanks to the support of our enthusiastic attendees our inaugural Zoom SchmoozeFest! on May 14 was a success! Who knows what the future holds, but we foresee all of our SchmoozeFests! either being entirely online or possibly a hybrid of in-person and virtual so we can include as many talented people as possible. Special thanks to Dennis Hill who spoke on unemployment insurance issues in the gig economy, and Lawrence Crandall who shared images of his finely crafted photo albums for fine art photographers and high-end wedding photographers


- All three of our Art Center Extension “Crafting a Meaningful Career” classes are in session this summer term!
“Discovering the Dream,” “Forming the Dream,” and “Fulfilling the Dream” are all running online this term helping the attendees to redefine their career directions leading towards their goals of a more purposeful use of their many talents. If you are looking to put meaning back into your career consider which of these classes would be best for you by checking out the Art Center Extension web site, , or contact the instructor directly at


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- Cristina Benedetti, Creative Director and Supervising Choreographer with iLuminate dance performance group- “Reaching out to you to share a project I worked on as Creative Director and Supervising Choreographer with iLuminate that has a really powerful message.

iLuminate (released it’s) part of a  #Share You Light movement. 
Now, more than ever, we want to spread a message of hope, love and light globally!
If this video moves you, would you be willing to share this on your social platforms…? Also if you are comfortable, it would be really helpful if you could share with anyone that you think could help us spread the word. Thought of you cause you know everyone and your help will really means a lot. please let me know!!



Cristina Benedetti

IG and FB: @cribeneofficial

Thank you again!

With Love and Light
thank you!!!!


How I Bootstrapped My Way to $300k in Annual Revenue (1).png

- Robyn Young, Strategic Branding- “Hey Tony, Hope all is well with you! Wanted to share that I've launched my first ever digital Masterclass in answer to this crisis happening for small businesses right now, and the immediate need to pivot to survive. It's called Pivot to Profitable - the webinar is free and has a ton of great info - for folks who need more guidance, there's an introductory price for the full course of $77. Please feel free to share it around your community if you'd like ;) 
Here's the link to sign up:
Stay healthy and positive out there ;) 

Owner & Head of Strategy

Brand like a BOSS.


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- Mark Sarkisian, Entrepreneur/Designer- “Tony, I received exciting news yesterday that I was accepted into the USC Masters program. I couldn’t of done it without your advice, assistance, support and recommendations. You were a primary reason I was accepted.  I hope you and Paula are well. 
Thank you again.

(Editors note: The following are excerpts from the acceptance letter Mark received.)
Dear Mark, Congratulations! You have been admitted to the USC Marshall Master of Science in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. You have risen to the top and we want to invite you to be a member of our cohort. Please look out for an official email from the University of Southern California.

We have been looking worldwide for students who have the drive, ambition, passion, grit and
dedication to imagine, create, develop and lead companies that will make a difference. The incoming
cohort comes from a highly competitive pool of students. Our team believes that the USC Marshall
MSEI program will be a great fit for you. We look forward to welcoming you to campus and in
working with you to achieve your goals.”


- Barbara Kosoff, Design + Illustration- “Hi Tony, Thanks for the update - How are you? Hope you’re staying healthy, safe and sane during this crazy and surreal moment in time!
Like everyone else, I’ve been staying in, hunkering down, working on some projects and Zooming with friends, family and colleagues. I also just participated in an art and music festival last weekend to benefit Seattle Foundation's, COVID-19 Response Fund. #bettertogether
My virtual "gallery" is still up if you'd like to have a look - you gotta scroll down a ways to see my work :) (Hint: April 30)
I'm looking forward to Zooming together. I hope you enjoy
Thanks and see you soon!”

310 319 2079
Santa Monica, CA 90403



-Doug Breuninger, Automotive Artist- (From Doug’s Facebook posting)-  MOTO MONDAY: From post-it note to exclusive wine art label for @motodoffocollection Gran Tinto blend. I once read somewhere that “Wealth is created by specialization and preserved by diversification”. That resonated with me, for I think it’s certainly key as an artist or any profession for that matter to find or carve out your niche and own my case it was post-its of all things... chasing mastery of skill while trying to figure out how to create the hope of one day commercializing this art on a global scale.

When I do look at my account from an outside perspective, I do often wonder how you guys perceive the switch-ups and subjects of my art haha. I’m aware that I’m consistently- inconsistent with my niche. As I’ve gotten older I tend to only do things that move me towards my goals that I’ve set ..based on “gut feeling” most times, for I try to do things I feel will be worthwhile, meaningful, beneficial in the long run, while able to pay the bills, which has me very protective and selective with my energy and focus in the art I wish to create and no longer taking on just any commission work that comes my way... sounds selfish, don’t get me wrong I’m still appreciative. But I believe you need to be selfish now, so you can be selfless later.. if that’s what you choose haha. #postitnotes #motodoffo #grantinto #ducati #hailwoodreplica #motoart #mementomori

Another label to launch: honored to to have done this post-it painting honoring the late Kurt Caselli and his KTM 450 XF-C for @motodoffocollection tribute wine/ label named “66”. @kc66foundation .
Visit to get a bottle(s)


Brian Biery, Photographer- “Hi Tony, So just wanted to let you know about a photo project I have undertaken called 'Staying at Home Portraits' where I am photographing families that are sheltering at home as a record of this moment and to create community through photography. Am posting on FB so please check it out when you have time at:
Glad that you are continuing these events on-line! Hope to participate in one in the future!
Thank you!



- Pasadena Photography Arts Presents | pH Collective - Social Media 101 Making The Most Out of Lockdown

Join pH Collective for a virtual event going over social media marketing, best practices, how to’s, and a few tips & tricks for Facebook & Instagram.
This is a free event. Click the Link to RSVP on Eventbrite

Date and Time
Thursday, June 4, 2020
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM CDT

As always we are honored to share stories of the hard work our contributors have accomplished and we are thrilled to promote their activities. Please continue to support the members of our creative community as they design meaning within their careers. Thanks to all for their informative and inspiring contributions.

If you are not on the mailing list and would like to receive your own monthly notices of these Updates please contact Conversely if you would like to be removed from the email list simply email and write "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Keep sending in your informative and motivating emails. I may have to edit them in the interest of space but I will do my best to keep their integrity. Emails and notices are usually posted in the order they are received. Tony Luna Creative-Updates are produced approximately at the end of each month so please provide enough lead time when submitting emails so they can be posted in a timely fashion.

Remember to keep sending us news of your wonderful art, design, and careers, and—as always—stay in touch!



Tony Luna Creative
A Creative Consultancy
819 North Bel Aire Drive
Burbank, CA 91501
Home office: 818-842-5490

Adjunct Professor: Art Center College of Design
Contributing Consultant to "Bokeh Magazine, The Art and Life of Photography," an online magazine for the iPads and iPhones.
Author: "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" Allworth Press and
"Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Photos" Skyhorse/Allworth Press

Providing support, inspiration and networking for mid-career creative professionals


Tony Luna Creative- Update- 4-30-2020



ZOOM SchmoozeFest!-

You are invited to join us in the first ever ZOOM SchmoozeFest! on the evening of May 14 from 6:30 to 9:30 Pacific Time. Talk about “social distancing!” No matter where you are in the world (time zones permitting you to be awake) you are welcome to join in on our SchmoozeFest! fun thanks to the wonders of ZOOM’s digital distance communication platform. We are no longer limited to four walls as we cross this threshold into the future. There’s virtually no limit to the number of attendees so let your “creative” friends know they are welcome too.

If you wish to present your latest work please send an email to tony@tonylunacreative so we can schedule your time to present. We won’t be able to physically mill about and schmooze in the same way we have in the past but we will still be able to trade ideas, bring up provocative questions about the future of art/design, and we will see the incredible work you are creating. The best way to log on will be for you to click on the URL below “Join Zoom Meeting” and then enter the Password if asked. Looking forward to a very special ZOOM SchmoozeFest!

Tony Luna is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting; a ZOOM-SchmoozeFest!
Topic: SchmoozeFest! Thursday May 14, 2020
Time: May 14, 2020 06:30 PM Pacific Time
(US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 461 564 4020
Password: 0008856
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,4615644020# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,4615644020# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location. Find your local number:


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You may lock down your registration for any of the exciting classes before they are filled. Sharpen your skills, learn new technologies, or take that class you always wanted to take by checking the catalogue of intriguing classes that can expand your world and your creativity at:

Then follow up by contacting Art Center Extension, 626-396-2319 and talk to one of the informative counselors.

For general information you may also click on


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Crafting a Meaningful Career-Part One- Discovering the Dream. We’ve all heard the phrase, “I’m living the dream.” Well now’s you chance to find out what that dream is and how to make it happen by registering for Crafting a Meaningful Career-Part One. Take a deep dive into what you love, and what you don’t love, about your current (or last) job and design your own career destiny. See the course description above which is a screen shot from the Art Center Extension web site.

Our online class begins Tuesday, May 19 at 7:00 PM. Classes are three hours long during which you will be presented with assignments designed to help you create your own career destination. This class is fourteen weeks long ending on Tuesday, August 18, but that is just the beginning as you will become a part of our creative community to provide support for you to live your dream. For more information on how this class has helped others you may contact Tony Luna at


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- Laura Elliott, Ghostwriter- “How are things in your world? When the Corona virus scare came to a head, I was away from my home by the beach in California, and now find myself sequestered in the snowy mountains of Idaho! Not a bad place to be stuck, all things told but I'm sure I'm not alone in using this forced slow-down to take up projects that have long been on the back burner.

One of those projects was starting a newsletter! I'm writing to you today to invite you to sign up for my mailing list. I'll be sending out a newsletter every once in a while full of creativity tips, writing inspiration, and updates on some of the projects I'm working on too.

‘Get Some Magic In Your Inbox’-

Your go-to-ghost,”




- Robert Gallagher, Photographer- “There’s an army of undocumented farm workers tending the fields in California’s Central Valley, the main agricultural center in the US, and in this time of Covid-19, they’re still working hard to get food on your table right now! It’s a strange irony that the Department of Homeland Security has deemed them essential workers, even though it’s hard to do safely and most will get no government support, health care or stimulus check.


For many life here can be harsh. Some have no option but to live in shanty town-like labor camps, physical exhaustion of unregulated manual work and the constant fear of deportation and abuse.


So it’s a strange position they find themselves in, particularly with this Administration, but I believe they deserve our thanks for their hard work and sacrifice. Whoever they are.”

Photographed for the personal project Working in the Shadows,

(310) 592-5409 
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Commercial Representation: Congress Management
Syndication: Contour by Getty Images


(Editor’s note: Rev. John Anderson recently lost his web site due to malware infecting his computer and a job reassignment have set him back creating his exceptional art. As a result he has had to start over with his artwork. The following are excerpts from a series of emails he sent as he has tried to rediscover his artistic voice. They are presented here so that anyone who would like to give him a word of encouragement and suggestions on where to showcase his art may contact him. I believe he would appreciate your feedback. Thank you.)

- Rev. John Anderson, Retired Lutheran Minister, Photographic Artist- “Tony, A while back someone got into my web site and destroyed it with Malware beyond repair. It was a discouraging moment for me to say the least. At the same time the Bishop called me back to active duty as Priest in Charge of a Parish which lasted two years and following that I had another year in service as interim to another parish which left me little time to focus. I haven't promoted my art much and I have so many pieces left I don't know what to do with them so I think whatever I do now will have to stay virtual until someone has interest. The cost of redoing a web page is prohibitive so I may have to explore one of the other ones I can do myself or with a little support. To be frank the destruction of my web page really hit me emotionally and I think took away my creative sense for awhile. I was very discouraged.”

“I guess one of my real pains is that my work is no longer where it can be viewed. I also have so many prints I don't know where to put them... I recently presented the new LBGT center a piece and I love sharing my art. The one thing that has always inspired me is that my collectors have all been serious art collectors. I still have the images lost on web page and hopefully can create a less elaborate web page to display. I simply can't afford to create a professional page on retirement income…

…I also learned we have to be driven to create art. I was so deflated by what happened it took my drive away. Hopefully I'm in process of recovering that now. Being an artist: like many other things is a calling. I think we are compelled to create and hopefully this will be reborn in me… 

I am feeling compelled in this time of crisis to again try to create meaningful art. I think sometimes we have to go through a desert before we can find the inspiration to create again…

…The hard thing in creating in this moment is the tension between the despair and sadness of what's happening and the hope and confidence for the future. Somehow I feel capturing this tension is the difficult and challenging aspect of creating are in these times. Blessings John+…”

“…Tony: here is my first attempt to do something. I titled this ‘Turbulence’ as I believe that captures a sense of what we're going through now…”

Thanks. John +


Rev. John G. Anderson

The following is a quote by John Anderson from a Savannah Now/Savannah Morning News article, October 10, 2010: “‘Art is not just a representation of things that we paint. It’s connected to the deeper inner spirit of what we do,’ said the Rev. John Anderson, a volunteer pastor at St. Paul’s. ‘When people look at art, hopefully they have an emotional connection, a spiritual connection, as well as the artist who created it.’”


Sandra Noll

Sandra Noll

- Sandra Noll, and Erv Nichols- Naturalists, Photographers, and Friends of Tony Luna Creative: “Hello again at long last!  Isolation has given me both time and incentive to revive my nature related photo-journal posts.  I’ve missed creating the posts and the interactions and conversations they generate.  My long hiatus relates to difficulties in switching from using my computer-like MacBook to a more phone-like IPad.  It’s been a difficult transition.....

I want to acknowledge that some of you have been personally impacted by the Covid 19 crisis and to you I express deep sympathy.  For those fortunate to maintain health, I hope the economic struggle has not been overwhelming. Let me know if I can be of help. These are difficult times.  My intention in posting today is to provide one form of re-connecting with nature and the joy and sustenance it gives.  

Erv and I have emerged from self-quarantine after returning from sandhill-crane related travel and group exposure and so I decided to bring you the wonder, beauty and delight of cranes!  Although sandhill cranes are the species with which I have the greatest connection, I realize I’ve never devoted an entire post to them.  Hope it brings you the joy and hope these wonderful, ancient birds always bring me!


We’ll start in the middle Rio Grande valley of New Mexico where 10-15,000 greater sandhill cranes (and several thousand lesser sandhill cranes) spend the winter.  Photo above - cranes in early morning light - taken in January at Crane Haven, a lovely bed and breakfast near our home, where the Barclays have been feeding and providing habitat for the birds for 20 years. Two cranes in foreground are colts or young of the year. Notice they have a less developed red skin patch on crown and brownish feathers. Colts are protected and educated by their parents for 9-10 months after hatching.  If they don’t join a juvenile group by the time the parents return to nesting areas in Spring they will be driven away to join their peers.  Cranes generally pick mates between 3-5 yers of age and the mated pair stay together year round for the rest of their lives. 
I have experienced cranes most intimately in New Mexico at Bosque del Apache NWR near our home and where we are guides and speakers at the Festival of the Cranes each November.  Check it out at


In late February and March the cranes begin migrating back to nesting areas further north.  The Rocky Mountain Population of greater sandhills migrate on the west side of the Rocky Mts. and stage (rest/eat for 3 weeks or so) near Alamosa, CO where they gain about a third of their body weight In preparation for reproduction/egg laying and to sustain them on nesting grounds in ID, MT, WY, UT ,CO. that may still be frozen with few food resources when cranes arrive.  
I delight in experiencing cranes against a back drop of snow-capped Rocky Mts. when we work with the Monte Vista NWR and the Friends of the San Luis Valley NWRs at their March Sandhill Crane Festival. Check it out - all the refuges are great places to visit!


You can see that Nebraska weather varies greatly in March. Sunny days with great sunsets/sunrises on the river, rain, snow, wind, fog - you never know what the day will bring.  We’ve been volunteers for Rowe Sanctuary for 14 years now and hope to continue making the full spring crane circuit - NM to CO to NE as long as health and stamina hold.  Perhaps we’ll see you at one of these great crane conservation areas one day. Hope so!  
With all best wishes, Sandra”

A must see video about the work of Erv Nichols and Sandra Noll documenting migrating Sandhill Cranes:


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To friends of PasadenaPhotographyArts (PPA) PPA Update April 15th 2020 / by Bill Wishner, Co-Director- “We are now in our 8th year providing more access to photographers and photography in the Pasadena area by fostering our Open Show Pasadena-East LA and Forum programming. With the COVID-19 pandemic and our separation / isolation requirements we can no longer hold our monthly meetings. Also, the Armory Center for the Arts, our meeting place, is closed for the foreseeable future.

As co-directors of PPA, Doug Hill and I are determined to continue the administrative work of PPA behind the scenes until we can resume our public programming. That work includes applications for grants, improvements in our social media platform outreach, improvements in our advisory board functionality and finally planning for innovative new programming in the near future. These updates will occur about once a month and include not only updates of our efforts behind the scenes but a few words about the advisors that facilitate the PPA effort…

Founded in 2012, pasadenaphotographyarts is dedicated to the promotion of photographic arts in the Pasadena environs; encouraging and supporting emerging fine art, documentary and conceptual photographers through promotion, exhibitions, publications and educational programs.
Pasadena Photography Arts (PPA) is a project under the FULCRUM ARTS/ EMERGE (Fiscal Sponsorship Program) a 501(c)3 non-profit organization


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itor’s note: There are numerous listings for academic positions around the world through AcademicKeys. From the list sent monthly only institutions of higher learning located in the West Coast of the United States are included here in the interest of brevity. For more job opportunities visit the AcademicKeys Facebook! and Twitter! sites listed below.)

- Andrea McCarthy, AcademicKeys- “Dear Professor Luna, This month's issue of AcademicKeys' e-Flier for Fine Arts features 32 faculty openings, 6 senior administrative positions, and 1 post-doc opportunities and links to hundreds more positions in higher education.”

Issue: Fine Arts Apr. 28th, 2020

This AcademicKeys e-Flier contains higher education positions in:
- Art - Photography

Become a fan of Academic Keys on Facebook! Click here:

Follow us on Twitter!!/academickeys



Head of the MFA in Collaborative Design / MA in Design Sys.
Pacific Northwest College of Art
Collaborative Design/Design Systems
Portland, OR, United States
Date Posted: Jan. 8, 2020




Part-Time Instructor Pool Graphic Design
University of California Berkeley
UC Berkeley Extension
Berkeley, CA, United States
Date Posted: Feb. 21, 2020


Lecturer Pool- Film and Media- UC Berkeley
University of California Berkeley
Berkeley, CA, United States
Date Posted: Jan. 20, 2020


University of San Francisco
Office of Marketing Communications
San Francisco, CA, United States
Date Posted: Jan. 14, 2020

The James De Preist Visiting Professorship / Asst. Prof. o...
Portland State University
School of Art + Design
PORTLAND, OR, United States
Date Posted: Jan. 14, 2020

Multiple Positions: Faculty in Program in Film and Video
California Institute of the Arts
School of Film/Video
Valencia, CA, United States
Date Posted: Nov. 19, 2019


If you have any further comments or suggestions, please send an email to


Andrea McCarthy
Academic Keys, LLC
1066 Storrs Road, Suite D
Storrs, CT 06268


As always we are honored to share stories of the hard work our contributors have accomplished and we are thrilled to promote their activities. Please continue to support the members of our creative community as they design meaning within their careers. Thanks to all for their informative and inspiring contributions.

If you are not on the mailing list and would like to receive your own monthly notices of these Updates please contact Conversely if you would like to be removed from the email list simply email and write "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Keep sending in your informative and motivating emails. I may have to edit them in the interest of space but I will do my best to keep their integrity. Emails and notices are usually posted in the order they are received. Tony Luna Creative-Updates are produced approximately at the end of each month so please provide enough lead time when submitting emails so they can be posted in a timely fashion.

Remember to keep sending us news of your wonderful art, design, and careers, and—as always—stay in touch!



Tony Luna Creative
A Creative Consultancy
819 North Bel Aire Drive
Burbank, CA 91501
Home office: 818-842-5490

Adjunct Professor: Art Center College of Design
Contributing Consultant to "Bokeh Magazine, The Art and Life of Photography," an online magazine for the iPads and iPhones.
Author: "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" Allworth Press and
"Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Photos" Skyhorse/Allworth Press

Providing support, inspiration and networking for mid-career creative professionals


Tony Luna Creative- Update- 3-31-2020


Dear Friends of the Tony Luna Creative- Update blog:

Due to the unusual nature of the times we are now in I have decided to depart from our normal course of inspirational stories relating to creating new career opportunities, and instead provide a little space for us to enjoy a relaxing moment. I know we can all use one.

The photos you will see in our blog this month were taken while I have recently taken my walks around my neighborhood during this “age of social distancing.” I have taken countless walks over the forty-two years I have lived at our current address, but this last two weeks I have had a chance to walk more slowly, pay attention more closely, and see things differently. And now, with my camera readily available on my phone, I have taken the time to capture little moments of hope, and I wish to share them with you. Enjoy.

With great faith in you,


Tony Luna Creative
A Creative Consultancy
819 North Bel Aire Drive
Burbank, CA 91501
Home office: 818-842-5490

Adjunct Professor: Art Center College of Design
Contributing Consultant to "Bokeh Magazine, The Art and Life of Photography," an online magazine for the iPads and iPhones.
Author: "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" Allworth Press and
"Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Photos" Skyhorse/Allworth Press

Providing support, inspiration and networking for mid-career creative professionals

Tony Luna Creative- Update- 2-29-2020

Wishing you a Happy Spring…

Wishing you a Happy Spring…

(Editor’s note: Thank you all for the thoughtful “Happy Birthday” wishes. You all have inspired me to keep doing the joyful work of helping you to find what brings meaning to your life and work. It is an honor to be a small part of your achievements. -Tony Luna)



- Ibarionex Perello, Photographer, Writer, Educator and host of The Candid Frame Photography podcast…”Happy Birthday, my friend. Just letting you know next month the show “The Candid Frame” will be celebrating 14 years of production. We have just released our 500 episode which features a conversation with Joel Meyerowitz. I included the link below and would appreciate you sharing it in your newsletter.

Take care, my friend and see you soon.”

Ibarionex Perello

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- Ellen Friedlander, Fine Art and Documentary Photographer- “Tony,,, I have a two things coming up....
“California Love” at The Hive Gallery and Studios - Group Show,
and I have 2 photographs that have been accepted into the APA LA’s 2020
OFF THE CLOCK Personal Photography Exhibition that will open on April 25, 2020 and then tour for the year in Advertising Agencies.

Thank you so much Tony”…

california love - a visual mix tape

”since 2020 is a political year, I wanted to do something positive -
so the theme for the 6th. annual hive gallery (DTLA) photo exhibit is
’california love - a visual mix tape.’”

nothing negative, this is a celebration
of our beautiful progressive bubble.

opens- saturday, march 7th, 8-11pm
art walk- thursday, march 12th, 5-11pm
show runs through saturday, march 28th
The Hive Gallery and Studios
729 south spring street, los angeles

   Facebook: Ellen M Friedlander
        instagram: emfphoto59


- Conrad Curtis, Assistant Director- “It’s official! After years of good old fashion dedication and a lot of hours with a lot of really good people I am on the DGA commercial qualification list as an Assistant Director. I am overwhelmed processing it all, but I can’t wait to make the move up. If you have ever worked with me on set, talked to me about what I’m doing or been involved with film making in Los Angeles, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I couldn’t have done this without you .
Now it’s time to celebrate”
Thank you Tony! Your inspiration and guidance in creative professionalism Was so influential!


Photo by Garrisson Pena (c) 2020

Photo by Garrisson Pena (c) 2020

- Garrisson Pena, Photographer and recently enrolled in the masters of cinematography program- “Hi Tony!! How are you? A very good and beautiful day to you!! First off, wishing you a Happy Birthday!!! 🎉🎂 And for that, I wanted to touch back with you as always with some news that is my gift to you. As of today, it is now official. I just completed my days of orientation and I am now a student of New York Film Academy, a candidate for a Master's in Cinematography. I have met a lot of wonderful people and new peers from all across the world and the nation in just a matter of a few hours, and I am very excited to be joining a new school and finally pursuing the dream and entering the film industry. Of course, I have some photos to share with you on what I experienced:”


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- Al Satterwhite, The Cozumel Diary - Hunter Thompson in Mexico
Al Satterwhite is a veteran photographer who has been published in major magazines such as Life, Time, Sports Illustrated. Published photographic books of his work include the Cozumel Diary (Hunter Thompson in Mexico). Satterwhite in Color & Design, Lights! Camera! Advertising!, the Racers, Titans (Muhammad Ali & Arnold Schwarzenegger). He’s currently working on two more books, Southern Exposure and aRound New York. HIs photographic prints are in the permanent collections of the Smithsonian, Museum of Fine Arts Houston, LACMA, George Eastman House and numerous private collections. The Smithsonian showcased his work in 2014 in American Cool. Satterwhite lives in Los Angeles with his wife and two Zen-Masters, both of them cats.

Hunter and Al become fast friends in the early 70s when they met while each covering the 1972 Republican Convention for different magazines. When Playboy Magazine decided to interview Hunter in Cozumel, Mexico Hunter asked Playboy to send Al as the story photographer. After the initial interview, Hunter wanted to hang out in Cozumel and convinced Al to stay a few extra days, not that he needed much convincing. The quest to visit every island bar was their sole agenda. After Cozumel Hunter and Al remained friends, often visiting one another. Satterwhite’s collection of images from their time in Cozumel, along with stories of their adventures in Florida including when Hunter would come down to Miami to write about President Nixon, are presented here.

Private viewing available upon request. Contact Paris Chong - Manager, Leica Gallery LA (424) 777-0341 to book an appointment .

Supported by Peroni, BLT SVC
Leica Gallery Los Angeles
8783 Beverly Boulevard
West Hollywood, CA 90048 USA



Andrea McCarthy, Academic Keys- “Dear Professor Luna, This month's issue of AcademicKeys' e-Flier for Fine Arts features 37 faculty openings, 7 senior administrative positions, and 1 post-doc opportunities and links to hundreds more positions in higher education.”

(Editor’s note: One Senior Administrative Position and six Academic Positions at institutions of higher learning in California are listed in our blog, but there are links to hundreds of job opportunities around the world available by going to

Issue: Fine Arts Feb. 28th, 2020

This AcademicKeys e-Flier contains higher education positions in:
- Art - Photography


Executive Director (000549), International House, 3440 - ...
University of California Berkeley
Berkeley, CA, United States
Date Posted: Dec. 5, 2019


NEW! - Part-Time Instructor Pool Graphic Design
University of California Berkeley
UC Berkeley Extension
Berkeley, CA, United States
Date Posted: Feb. 21, 2020

NEW! - Lecturer - Art Practice
University of California Berkeley
Berkeley, CA, United States
Date Posted: Feb. 21, 2020

Lecturer Pool- Film and Media- UC Berkeley
University of California Berkeley
Berkeley, CA, United States
Date Posted: Jan. 20, 2020

Professor of Production Management
California State University, Long Beach
Film and Electronic Arts
Long Beach, CA, United States
Date Posted: Nov. 22, 2019


Multiple Positions: Faculty in Program in Film and Video
California Institute of the Arts
School of Film/Video
Valencia, CA, United States
Date Posted: Nov. 19, 2019


Assistant Professor Industrial Design
San Jose State University
San Jose, CA, United States
Date Posted: Nov. 6, 2019
Andrea McCarthy
Academic Keys, LLC
1066 Storrs Road, Suite D
Storrs, CT 06268


As always we are honored to share stories of the hard work our contributors have accomplished and we are thrilled to promote their activities. Please continue to support the members of our creative community as they design meaning within their careers. Thanks to all for their informative and inspiring contributions.

If you are not on the mailing list and would like to receive your own monthly notices of these Updates please contact Conversely if you would like to be removed from the email list simply email and write "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Keep sending in your informative and motivating emails. I may have to edit them in the interest of space but I will do my best to keep their integrity. Emails and notices are usually posted in the order they are received. Tony Luna Creative-Updates are produced approximately at the end of each month so please provide enough lead time when submitting emails so they can be posted in a timely fashion.

Remember to keep sending us news of your wonderful art, design, and careers, and—as always—stay in touch!



Tony Luna Creative
A Creative Consultancy
819 North Bel Aire Drive
Burbank, CA 91501
Home office: 818-842-5490

Adjunct Professor: Art Center College of Design
Contributing Consultant to "Bokeh Magazine, The Art and Life of Photography," an online magazine for the iPads and iPhones.
Author: "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" Allworth Press and
"Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Photos" Skyhorse/Allworth Press

Providing support, inspiration and networking for mid-career creative professionals


Tony Luna Creative- Update- 1-31-2020



- SchmoozeFest!-

A room full of SchmoozeFesters!

A room full of SchmoozeFesters!

Bill WishnerAll SchmoozeFest! photos by Tony Luna (c) 2020

Bill Wishner

All SchmoozeFest! photos by Tony Luna (c) 2020

Dennis Hill

Dennis Hill

Charley Allen

Charley Allen

Thank you to the attendees at our latest SchmoozeFest! on January 16. Our “SchmoozeFesters” provided a inspirational evening sharing their latest work and then networking with each other. It is always great to host these events in order to keep the spirit of creativity and mutual support alive within our creative community. We hope you can attend our next event Thursday, May 14, 6:30 to 9:30 P.M. at the Art Center-South Campus, 950 South Raymond Ave., Pasadena, CA. You never know who you will meet and what wonderful opportunities may arise…


- Our new “Crafting a Meaningful Career-Part One-Discovering the Dream” got off to a great start last week with a small but mighty class filled with highly talented people eager to take their careers to the next most meaningful level. If you have any questions about the class, or private consultations, you may contact the instructor at


Screenshot from PHOTOLA website.

Screenshot from PHOTOLA website.

Ellen Friedlander, Photographer- “Good Morning Tony, …This past week has been equally crazy good. I was interviewed by Ibarionex (Perello) for his podcast, The Candid Frame, which will air tonight or tomorrow!
…and then on Wednesday I learned that one of my photographs from Betrayal made it to the TOP 20 of FOCUS, PHOTOLA.
OMG. It is a very very big week.

Thank you for YOUR support from the beginning! :)

Have a wonderful Sunday. “

   Facebook: Ellen M Friedlander
        instagram: emfphoto59

Opening Night, Jan 30, 2020

Public Dates
Jan. 31 - Feb. 2, 2020

Barker Hangar
3021 Airport Ave.
Santa Monica, CA 90405



SJ (c) 2020

SJ (c) 2020

- Lee Seung Jong “SJ” Photographer- (Editor’s note: In response to a request to get permission to announce his achievement SJ wrote the following.)
“Dear Tony, Thank you so much Tony! Yes of course, it is my great pleasure your sharing the news. For your reference, the winning project 'By Myself' is composed of 5 images. If you click the top right on my first image, you will see the whole 5 images in the series. 
Here's the link:
Thank you again Tony and take care!

Best Regards,
Lee Seung Jong (SJ)

According to the Photo District News contest information, “All winners will be published in January / February 2020 issue of PDN and in a gallery on, which reaches an audience of over half a million readers, followers and photo-industry creatives.”


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- PasadenaPhotographyArts invites you to attend their OPEN SHOW, Pasadena/East LA at the Armory Center for the Arts, Thursday February 6, 2020, 7:00 P.M. These inspiring events are presented in the hopes they, “…will strengthen our photography community and bring together the public an artistic community in discussion of photography.” Please attend and support this important artistic community effort.

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- Charley Allen, Photographer, Book Publisher- “Hi Tony, Yesterday we had a meeting with the author and the illustrator of a children’s book… We were discussing materials, the construction, and the printing techniques for various elements such as; the cover material, the dust jacket printing techniques, the end sheet content and printing colors, the sleeve slipcase material, foil stamping, etc. We were also showing samples of books we have done where various different techniques were used.

When we were done our conference table was a mess and jumble of sample swatch books, our previously printed books, Pantone ink color swatches, and even the empty beverages we had consumed. Although this is a rather common situation around our studio, for some strange reason, I decided to photograph it and now want to share it. The creative process, more often than not is a messy affair with threads going this way and that before a decision is made. Please see the photo below and feel free to share it on your blog. P.S. Nothing was moved, styled, or art directed before this was taken. This is a real-life unscripted mess. :-) “

Charley Allen
Bespoke Book Production

Studio 626.795.1053
Mobile 626.826.8440

131 N. San Gabriel Blvd., #102
Pasadena, CA 91107 USA

Visit to see our award-winning books.

Charley Allen (c) 2020

Charley Allen (c) 2020

Mauren Brodbeck, Swiss multi-sensory artist- “Dear friends, collectors, and art lovers, I wish you a superb 2020 year colored with beautiful adventures, friendships, and creations.
I created as a gourmet sound piece entitled ‘Saucisses, Ustensiles et Air Frais (sausages, cooking tools and fresh air)’ is a creation made for OCTOPUS newspaper, an artistic journal and collections on culinary words, which will be again this year at the Geneva Art Fair booth A52. I invite you to come discover it as well as this beautiful culinary paper from today until Sunday, February 2nd.
This piece is a sound composition that offers a reflection on our domestic environment and is made only of sounds recorded while cooking sausages in my kitchen.
Nice listening!”
Listen now on my website

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- Andrea McCarthy, AcademicKeys- (Editor’s note: Listed here, to conserve space, are Academic Positions available locally within the Western United States. For more information, including global opportunities, go to the LinkedIn listings:
“Dear Professor Luna, This month's issue of AcademicKeys' e-Flier for Fine Arts features 42 faculty openings, 11 senior administrative positions, and 0 post-doc opportunities and links to hundreds more positions in higher education.”

Issue: Fine Arts Jan. 15th, 2020

This AcademicKeys e-Flier contains higher education positions in:
- Art - Photography



Executive Director (000549), International House, 3440 - ...
University of California Berkeley
Berkeley, CA, United States
Date Posted: Dec. 5, 2019

Assistant Professor In Social Justice Fiction Filmmaking
San Francisco State University
School of Cinema
San Francisco, CA, United States
Date Posted: Oct. 1, 2019

Assistant Vice Chancellor & Controller
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA, United States
Date Posted: Sep. 27, 2019


NEW! - Digital Image Processing Specialist (7397U), BAMPFA
University of California Berkeley
Berkeley, CA, United States
Date Posted: Jan. 14, 2020

NEW! - Visiting Assistant Professor, Media for Social Change
Occidental College
Media Arts & Culture
Los Angeles, CA, United States
Date Posted: Dec. 19, 2019

Professor of Production Management
California State University, Long Beach
Film and Electronic Arts
Long Beach, CA, United States
Date Posted: Nov. 22, 2019

Multiple Positions: Faculty in Program in Film and Video
California Institute of the Arts
School of Film/Video
Valencia, CA, United States
Date Posted: Nov. 19, 2019

Assistant Professor Industrial Design
San Jose State University
San Jose, CA, United States
Date Posted: Nov. 6, 2019

Asst. Prof. of Teaching in Music Direction and Musical Th...
University of California, Irvine
Department of Drama
Irvine, CA, United States
Date Posted: Oct. 9, 2019

George and Judy Marcus Endowed Chair in African American ...
San Francisco State University
School of Cinema
San Francisco, CA, United States
Date Posted: Oct. 7, 2019

Assistant Professor Screenwriting/Television Writing
California State University, Northridge, CA
Cinema and Television Arts
Northridge, CA, United States
Date Posted: Oct. 1, 2019

Assistant/Associate Prof. in Scenic Design (Head of Sceni...
University of California, Irvine
Department of Drama
Irvine, CA, United States
Date Posted: Sep. 24, 2019

2020-2021 Temporary Lecturer in Visual Arts
University of California, San Diego
Visual Arts
La Jolla, CA, United States
Date Posted: Jul. 26, 2019

Andrea McCarthy
Academic Keys, LLC
1066 Storrs Road, Suite D
Storrs, CT 06268


As always we are honored to share stories of the hard work our contributors have accomplished and we are thrilled to promote their activities. Please continue to support the members of our creative community as they design meaning within their careers. Thanks to all for their informative and inspiring contributions.

If you are not on the mailing list and would like to receive your own monthly notices of these Updates please contact Conversely if you would like to be removed from the email list simply email and write "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Keep sending in your informative and motivating emails. I may have to edit them in the interest of space but I will do my best to keep their integrity. Emails and notices are usually posted in the order they are received. Tony Luna Creative-Updates are produced approximately at the end of each month so please provide enough lead time when submitting emails so they can be posted in a timely fashion.

Keep creating wonderful art, design, and careers, and, as always, stay in touch!



Tony Luna Creative
A Creative Consultancy
819 North Bel Aire Drive
Burbank, CA 91501
Home office: 818-842-5490

Adjunct Professor: Art Center College of Design
Contributing Consultant to "Bokeh Magazine, The Art and Life of Photography," an online magazine for the iPads and iPhones.
Author: "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" Allworth Press and
"Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Photos" Skyhorse/Allworth Press

Providing support, inspiration and networking for mid-career creative professionals


Tony Luna Creative- Update- 12-31-2019

Happy New Year  2020-1.jpg

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What a great way to start off the New Year? Come join us at our first SchmoozeFest! of 2020. Mark down the following date and time on your new calendar: Thursday, January 16, from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM, at the Art Center Extension building at 950 South Raymond Street, Pasadena, Room #232. You will have a chance (if you wish) to practice your pitch or to present examples of your latest artistic creations, and then we will follow with a networking session where you will meet and greet with like-minded artists and designers. All this is free and a great way to fire up your creative juices for the New Year. Who knows, this may be the jump-start you have been waiting for!…


- Registration for all the Art Center Extension Spring 2020 courses are ongoing and classes begin January 18. Check out the new ACX website for detailed information:
Once you open the Home page click on “How To Register” in the upper right hand corner and follow the directions. Classes are offered for adults, kids, teens, and even for teachers. Classes are offered for adults, kids, teens, and even for teachers. Take a look at the many offerings and see how you can energize your creative ambitions…

- Our “Crafting a Meaningful Career-Part One-Discovering the Dream” class begins Tuesday, January 21 from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM and will run for fourteen intensive weeks. During the class you will take a deep dive into what will help you design your next most purposeful career move. This unique class has the potential to change your life in a positive way and guide you toward a more productive career. Click on and scroll down to Success Stories to see how this class, and the follow-up classes, have inspired past attendees to craft their own meaningful careers…


Ellen_Friedlander_ProjectXV 1.4.20.jpg

- ELLEN FRIEDLANDER, Fine Art Photographer- “Hi Tony, I wanted to share some upcoming shows that I am part of:

January 4th - Project XV - New Perspectives on Photography opens at the new Los Angeles Center of Photography. Saturday night, LACP has their grand opening which big name galleries will be showing, but I have a couple of Street Photographs, that will be hanging in one of the classrooms, I believe :).

And January 25th I am part of Perceive Me by Kristine Schomaker which is at Cal State LA and it will tour! Kristine came up with a very vulnerable idea and acted upon it. She asked 60 plus artists to create art using her nude body, any way they wanted. I was thrilled to be asked to participate.
I look forward to seeing you after the New Year.
Happy Holidays,”

P.S. My work was selected for The Hand magazine's #26 issue. It was thrilling.
   Facebook: Ellen M Friedlander
        instagram: emfphoto59

Saturday, January 4, 2020 5:00-8:00 PM

Thursday, January 23, 2020
Doors open 6:30 PM Presentations 7:00-9:00 PM

Learn more about the artists and their projects.

Los Angeles Center of Photography
5566 West Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90016
Show runs January 4 through February 2, 2020
The is open 10:00 AM-5:00 Tuesday-Saturday


Garrisson Pena (c) 2019

Garrisson Pena (c) 2019

- GARRISSON PENA, Photographer, Visual Artist- “Hi Tony…, I hope you are doing well and wanted to give you updates on everything that has happened recently.

As I mentioned on my last post, for Thanksgiving Week, I went on a photo trip (and vacation, of course!) from desert to ocean. Specifically, Lone Pine and Death Valley to the Monterey Peninsula… Honestly, Death Valley feels like another planet with the alien-like mountains that surround the landscape and how unbelievably quiet it is… On the other hand, Lone Pine is a hidden gem in California and is situated against one of the most beautiful backdrops: The Eastern Sierra Nevada. I woke-up at 4AM to drive to Alabama Hills as I did time lapse and flew the drone to capture the sunrise. It was stunning and unreal to watch the sun drape across the Sierra Nevada and the fiery alpenglow. This is a photo of that special moment when the alpenglow was at it’s best.

Garrisson Pena (c) 2019

Garrisson Pena (c) 2019

After my time in the desert, I swung across the state to the Monterey Peninsula where I spent the rest of my time relaxing and doing seascapes. I spent afternoons on the 17 Mile Drive as I wanted to continue doing time lapse photography at numerous viewpoints and flew my drone at Asilomar State Beach to capture the crashing waves... Overall, one of my favorite trips and vacations in a while, and one much needed.

And with that, I have some great news that I want to share with you as it has been one of our talking points for a while. For the past few weeks I have been engaged in completing the admissions process of writing essays, requesting transcript, portfolio submissions, and letters of recommendation. And I want to thank you for taking the time to write me a letter as it has gone a long way and now it has paid off. On Thursday afternoon, I received a letter from the office of admissions and I am proud to announce that I have been accepted as a Spring 2020 admit to New York Film Academy in pursuing a Master’s of Fine Arts in Cinematography. And just like that, life feels so surreal and is now a dream come true I begin this next chapter.

This has been my goal in life. I want to have a career in the film and I have checked-off one part of the journey which was completing my Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in Photography. And of course, you are a part of it and have been an integral part in all of this. I am proud to call you one of my close mentors. Spring Semester for New York Film Academy starts in February and with it being only a month away, I am ready to get back to work and back in flow. The time between graduating Art Center and receiving my acceptance letter has allowed me to rejuvenate and refocus. Now I am chasing my longtime life goal, ever since I was first introduced to movies: The Academy Award for Cinematography.

…I hope you are doing well and that your family is doing great. From me to you, thank you for everything. I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Here’s to 2020!!!



Brian Biery (c) 2019, Mack Lake, Rock Creek, Ansel Adam Wilderness, CA

Brian Biery (c) 2019, Mack Lake, Rock Creek, Ansel Adam Wilderness, CA

- BRIAN BIERY, Landscape Photography- “Dear Family and Friends, My sincerest ‘thanks’ to everyone who attended the Holiday Open House at Kolhatkar Studios earlier this month! It was a fantastic event filled with conversation, laughter, delicious food and community! We are very grateful to Sonali and Jim and the boys for opening their home to all of us!

For those of you who missed this wonderful Saturday of art and conversation please consider ordering 2020 calendars ($15), greeting cards ($4), post cards ($2), and magnets ($1) as gifts for friends and family. Please send your order to: and I will make sure that you receive your selected items as quickly as possible.

Brian Biery (c) 2019, South Fork Bishop Creek, Inyo National Forest, CA

Brian Biery (c) 2019, South Fork Bishop Creek, Inyo National Forest, CA

And don’t forget to stop by ‘McGinty’s Gallery at the End of the World’ before January 4 to experience ‘The Art of Giving Art’ exhibit where both Sonali and I have pieces of art along with 40 other amazing artists.

Thank you all for your support of my art this year! May you and yours experience a holiday season filled with joy and wonder!

Best wishes in the New Year!”



- BILL WISHNER, Visual Hunter and co-director PPA



- MAUREN BRODBECK, Swiss multi-sensory artist- “Dear friends, dear art lovers, dear collectors, Today, I am launching "Studio Exclusives", an online space which I have been thinking about and working on for over a year. In this space, I’m offering limited edition prints, photographs, and collectibles. New collections will be released quarterly and will be available exclusively through this platform.

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Many artists struggle with whether offer their work only through art galleries or to also make their work available online. I believe that societal and technological advances have given us a fantastic opportunity to connect and share, unlike ever before in history. And I also believe that art brings beauty, happiness, and a new perspective to society—it is there to be unconventional and thought-provoking—and it should be accessed by as many people as possible. For these reasons, I have decided to offer limited edition runs of select collections and pieces exclusively through my online studio.
I hope you will take a moment to explore the collections that are currently available on Studio Exclusives.

Again, thank you all for your support!
Warm wishes,”

 Mauren Brodbeck Studio, GVA, GVA 1213

Geneva, Switzerland


- Andrea McCarthy, AcademicKeys- University jobs in Art and Design

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(Editor’s note: Listed here, to conserve space, are Academic Positions available locally within the state of California. For more information, including global opportunities, visit:


Issue: Fine Arts Dec. 17th, 2019


NEW! - Professor of Production Management
California State University, Long Beach
Film and Electronic Arts
Long Beach, CA, United States
Date Posted: Nov. 22, 2019

NEW! - Multiple Positions: Faculty in Program in Film and...
California Institute of the Arts
School of Film/Video
Valencia, CA, United States
Date Posted: Nov. 19, 2019

Assistant Professor Industrial Design
San Jose State University
San Jose, CA, United States
Date Posted: Nov. 6, 2019

Asst. Prof. of Teaching in Music Direction and Musical Th...
University of California, Irvine
Department of Drama
Irvine, CA, United States
Date Posted: Oct. 9, 2019

George and Judy Marcus Endowed Chair in African American ...
San Francisco State University
School of Cinema
San Francisco, CA, United States
Date Posted: Oct. 7, 2019

Assistant Professor Screenwriting/Television Writing
California State University, Northridge
Cinema and Television Arts
Northridge, CA, United States
Date Posted: Oct. 1, 2019

Assistant/Associate Prof. in Scenic Design (Head of Sceni...
University of California, Irvine
Department of Drama
Irvine, CA, United States
Date Posted: Sep. 24, 2019

Assistant Professor - 2-D Studio Arts
California State University, San Marcos
Art, Media, and Design
San Marcos, CA, United States
Date Posted: Sep. 20, 2019

2020-2021 Temporary Lecturer in Visual Arts
University of California, San Diego
Visual Arts
La Jolla, CA, United States
Date Posted: Jul. 26, 2019
Andrea McCarthy
Academic Keys, LLC
1066 Storrs Road, Suite D
Storrs, CT 06268



As always we are honored to share stories of the hard work our contributors have accomplished and we are thrilled to promote their activities. Please continue to support the members of our creative community as they design meaning within their careers. Thanks to all for their informative and inspiring contributions.

If you are not on the mailing list and would like to receive your own monthly notices of these Updates please contact Conversely if you would like to be removed from the email list simply email and write "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Keep sending in your informative and motivating emails. I may have to edit them in the interest of space but I will do my best to keep their integrity. Emails and notices are usually posted in the order they are received. Tony Luna Creative-Updates are produced approximately at the end of each month so please provide enough lead time when submitting emails so they can be posted in a timely fashion.

Keep creating wonderful art, design, and careers, and, as always, stay in touch!



Tony Luna Creative
A Creative Consultancy
819 North Bel Aire Drive
Burbank, CA 91501
Home office: 818-842-5490

Adjunct Professor: Art Center College of Design
Contributing Consultant to "Bokeh Magazine, The Art and Life of Photography," an online magazine for the iPads and iPhones.
Author: "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" Allworth Press and
"Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Photos" Skyhorse/Allworth Press

Providing support, inspiration and networking for mid-career creative professionals


Tony Luna Creative- Update- 11-30-2019

Happy Thanksgiving-2019A.jpg


- Announcing the New ArtCenter Extension (ACX) website! Check it out:


It has all the information you need to find out about the many ArtCenter Extension offerings made available through this unique educational opportunity. Explore your talents, grow your skills, and expand your possibilities…

- Registration for ACX begins on Monday, December 2. The Spring 2020 term begins January 21. To register simply go to the new ArtCenter Extension website listed above.

Once you open the Home page click on “How To Register” in the upper right hand corner and follow the directions. Classes are offered for adults, kids, teens, and even for teachers. Take a look at the many offerings and see how you can energize your creative ambitions…


- Thanks to the “Presentation and Career Preparation” and “Professional Presentation” ArtCenter class interviewers-

Special thanks go out to the generous professionals who participated in the Mock Job Interviews and the Final Personal Project Presentations this week at the ArtCenter College of Design. Marcia Loots-Serna, Julia Ok, Chuck Chugumlung, and Percival Carino acted as guest interviewers for students in the Mock Job Interviews while they inspired our students and gave them confidence as they prepared for what many of them will be their first professional job or internship interviews.

Final Presentation reviewers Dennis Hill and Nathan See dispensing advice during the ArtCenter “Professional Presentation” class.

Final Presentation reviewers Dennis Hill and Nathan See dispensing advice during the ArtCenter “Professional Presentation” class.

Nathan See and Dennis Hill are also to be congratulated for their sage advice as they provided feedback to the students in the Professional Presentation class who delivered their Final Personal Project Presentations. Props to all, and thank you for helping prepare our students for life beyond graduation at the ArtCenter College of Design…


- SchmoozeFest! It seems like a long time from now but, as everyone knows, it’s never too early to prepare for the next SchmoozeFest! Mark your calendars because our next scheduled SchmoozeFest!—where working professionals can present their latest pet projects and follow with a networking session with like-minded creatives—will be Thursday, January 16 from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Check our next Tony Luna Creative-Update blog posting the end of December for confirmation of the location which usually is 950 South Raymond Avenue, Pasadena. Every SchmoozeFest! helps to get those creative juices flowing, and allows the participants to make new connections. So make plans to join in the fun and become invigorated to do your own thing…


Dennis Salnikov (C) 2019

Dennis Salnikov (C) 2019

- Doug Breuninger (from his Facebook posting)-

“Seeing this photo from SEMA 2019, I try to not to look back very frequently or dwell in the past, but the only time that I do is to see how far I've come and learn from my mistakes..... What a trip its been getting to this point. So, so grateful for the path that my Art and Design has taken me, the people I've met because of it, the opportunities, setbacks and experiences made of it. Seeing the synchronicities in my plan unfold is what keeps me persevering. With my heART, Credit all goes to the big man upstairs.

Thanks for the pic Dennis Salnikov”



- Andrea McCarthy- Academic Keys, LLC.- “Dear Professor Luna, This month's issue of AcademicKeys' e-Flier for Fine Arts features 35 faculty openings, 14 senior administrative positions, and 1 post-doc opportunities and links to hundreds more positions in higher education.”


Issue: Fine Arts Nov. 15th, 2019


This AcademicKeys e-Flier contains higher education positions in:

- Art - Photography


SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS: ____________________________________________________________________

George and Judy Marcus Endowed Chair in Social Justice Fi...

San Francisco State University

School of Cinema

San Francisco, CA, United States

Date Posted: Oct. 1, 2019


Assistant Vice Chancellor & Controller

University of California, Berkeley


Berkeley, CA, United States

Date Posted: Sep. 27, 2019


ACADEMIC POSITIONS ____________________________________________________________________

NEW! - Assistant Professor Industrial Design

San Jose State University


San Jose, CA, United States

Date Posted: Nov. 6, 2019


Asst. Prof. of Teaching in Music Direction and Musical Th...

University of California, Irvine

Department of Drama

Irvine, CA, United States

Date Posted: Oct. 9, 2019


George and Judy Marcus Endowed Chair in African American ...

San Francisco State University

School of Cinema

San Francisco, CA, United States

Date Posted: Oct. 7, 2019


Assistant Professor Screenwriting/Television Writing

California State University, Northridge

Cinema and Television Arts

Northridge, CA, United States

Date Posted: Oct. 1, 2019


Assistant/Associate Prof. in Scenic Design (Head of Sceni...

University of California, Irvine

Department of Drama

Irvine, CA, United States

Date Posted: Sep. 24, 2019


Assistant Professor - 2-D Studio Arts

California State University, San Marcos

Art, Media, and Design

San Marcos, CA, United States

Date Posted: Sep. 20, 2019


2020-2021 Temporary Lecturer in Visual Arts

University of California, San Diego

Visual Arts

La Jolla, CA, United States

Date Posted: Jul. 26, 2019


Assistant Professor: Computational Artist / Designer

University of California, San Diego

Visual Arts

La Jolla, CA, United States

Date Posted: Jul. 17, 2019


To view more academic jobs, visit:



Andrea McCarthy

Academic Keys, LLC

1066 Storrs Road, Suite D

Storrs, CT 06268




As always we are honored to share stories of the hard work our contributors have accomplished and we are thrilled to promote their activities. Please continue to support the members of our creative community as they design meaning within their careers. Thanks to all for their informative and inspiring contributions.

If you are not on the mailing list and would like to receive your own monthly notices of these Updates please contact Conversely if you would like to be removed from the email list simply email and write "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Keep sending in your informative and motivating emails. I may have to edit them in the interest of space but I will do my best to keep their integrity. Emails and notices are usually posted in the order they are received. Tony Luna Creative-Updates are produced approximately at the end of each month so please provide enough lead time when submitting emails so they can be posted in a timely fashion.

Keep creating wonderful art, design, and careers, and, as always, stay in touch!



Tony Luna Creative

A Creative Consultancy

819 North Bel Aire Drive

Burbank, CA 91501

Home office: 818-842-5490


Adjunct Professor: Art Center College of Design

Contributing Consultant to "Bokeh Magazine, The Art and Life of Photography," an online magazine for the iPads and iPhones.

Author: "How to Grow as a Photographer: Reinventing Your Career" Allworth Press and

"Mastering the Business of Photography: What the Pros Do When They Are Not Taking Incredible Photos" Skyhorse/Allworth Press

Providing support, inspiration and networking for mid-career creative professionals
