An essential part of building a new career is reaching out and making yourself known to people in your areas of interest; your creative tribe. That is why we offer our SchmoozeFest! networking and presentation events. You are welcome to join other people who enjoy exchanging ideas, alerting others to art and design events, share industry concerns, and offering a word of encouragement. Everyone at some time goes through a period when we feel as though we are considering our own career change alone, but there are lots of people out there who know the same feelings and we may be able to help.

These resources, plus the Tony Luna Creative- Update blog (composed of emails sent in by people who have taken our courses/lectures and are now doing what they have wanted to do) allow us to stay in touch and help each other out. Take a look and be a part of a concerned community of talented professionals eager to lend a helping hand.


Zoom SchmoozeFest!

Our next Zoom SchmoozeFest! is scheduled for Thursday, January 16, 6:30 PM to 9:30 Pacific Time

The Zoom address is-

Meeting ID: 461 564 4020

Passcode: 0008856

What the heck is a Zoom SchmoozeFest!? A Zoom SchmoozeFest! is an event during which members of our community (and anyone interested) can present their ideas for their new product or service and the presentations are followed by a networking mixer where business cards are exchanged and sophisticated professionals meet members of their tribe. Zoom SchmoozeFests! are held three times each year, mid-January, mid-May, and mid-September, on the Thursday before the beginning of each Art Center trimester, and are presented on the Zoom digital platform so you can attend anywhere in the world. Colleagues meet to sharpen their presentation skills, practice and get feed-back on their pitches, and share their ideas in an accepting atmosphere. After the presentations everyone mingles while sharing suggestions and giving encouragement. SchmoozeFests! are fun, inspiring, and a practical way to meet like-minded people. Read the Tony Luna Creative- Update monthly blog for exact dates and times. All are welcome

Artists, inventors, engineers, entrepreneurs, SChmoozeFesters all share their ideas and dreams.

Artists, inventors, engineers, entrepreneurs, SChmoozeFesters all share their ideas and dreams.

Presentations and discussions on a wide variety of intriguing creative topics kindle entrepreneurial engagement during a schmoozefest.

Presentations and discussions on a wide variety of intriguing creative topics kindle entrepreneurial engagement during a schmoozefest.

Graphic artist, Angel Mendoza, displays his unique art blending meso-american mythology in a digital Graffiti medium.

Graphic artist, Angel Mendoza, displays his unique art blending meso-american mythology in a digital Graffiti medium.